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  1. Tbh, I have never seen so much excitement and hype in an audience during a performance like Phantom’s performance on Saturday EVER- to be in the crowd like that and get so hyped from the very beginning when the head conductor pulled out her baton was insane 🤩
    7 points
  2. Dave609

    UIL 6A Area J 2024

    hey everyone, I'm excited to say that I plan on attending this contest this upcoming season!
    5 points
  3. packwick

    DCI 2024

    didn't watch anything tonight but results look spot-on based on what we've seen coming into the contest. bloo wins 6 of 8 judges, all but guard and perc. would have predicted Bloo in first by nearly a full point and Devs and Boston fighting for 2nd. phantom clearly ahead of mandarins was another obvious one, for many weeks now. actually this season has been verrrry very useful for sussing out ppl who actually sort of understand how this activity is judged and those who blindly predict blue devils in first, either bc they're homers or bc they've given up all hope and think the contests are rigged LOL.
    4 points
  4. Hello everyone! Over the past few years, I have been working on a project that would help secure the results of ALL Area contests from over the years. Today is the day that I am officially giving everyone the link to the document. I spent these past few years typing out each result into specific sections to hopefully make things easier to find them. They are all judge placements from 1st place to however many bands participated in the contest. As of now, I have been able to get all the way back to about 2000/2001 in terms of every band that was at the contests and 1999/2000 in terms of which bands came from the areas. If you have any other results from years before 2015 that aren't already in this document, feel free to email me or send me a message on here. Thanks to these awesome people who helped me with results!- @takigan- Helped me with finding 2007 stuff @J-Mike16- Helped me with typing/finding results (mainly for Area C/Area F) And especially to all those who helped me with the google doc I did before starting this project, without ya'll, this would have not been possible (This will be published to the web soon) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1F0A8R1wJZN3POAC-oHGGiwOiO0cWkt1lv73AuPLMiyw/edit?usp=sharing
    4 points
  5. Just saw this announced via the US Bands Instagram and website https://usbands.org/events/details.php?ID=1015 Not super familiar with US Bands stuff but this lineup definitely caught my attention. Coppell HS Duncanville HS Flower Mound HS Hebron HS Keller Central HS Southlake Carroll HS Marcus HS LD Bell HS I think this’ll be interesting to see some of the DFW groups in action right before state and BOA San Antonio!
    3 points
  6. TrenBS

    UIL 6A Area J 2024

    This is my last update for the stadium, the Region 24 site has the stadium labeled at McKinney ISD, which Im gonna believe since the region site typically isn't inaccurate, which is kind of a relief (partly since it's in my backyard essentially) but also since I think MISD stadium is much better for holding a major competition over Little Elm. The sound in the stadium is also pretty good for performing and logistics are good for spectators, with the main issue being logistics to squeeze all of the bands in, which will most likely be crammed in the visitor lot for the semis. This will likely give McKinney Boyd/High a slight advantage given the minimal travel time for both schools, as well as being comfortable performing at their home stadium they also get to rehearse over the season. It wouldn't make say McKinney Boyd magically go from 7th to 4th with home advantage alone of course, but for predictions and their consistency, the McKinney schools are both gonna have 2 strong runs most likely which places more confidence for them, in my opinion lol
    3 points
  7. 1. Flower Mound 2. College Park 3. CTJ 4. Marcus 5. Shadow Creek 1. Dawson 2. Coppell 3. Waxahachie 4. The Woodlands 5. Lake Travis (from a director in the room) (Apparently) A correction has been made from TMEA, Dawson placed first yesterday in Zone 2.
    3 points
  8. Rubisco

    DCI 2024

    I don't think we'll see much of a challenge for gold in August, but there are exciting fights playing out down the list. 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, and 12th all have 2+ corps duking it out right now. Exciting!
    3 points
  9. Liam Allen

    DCI 2024

    My yearly San Antonio review: Everyone is better this year. Everyone. Some standouts to me in terms of crowd energy were Troop, Regiment, and Boston. A special shoutout to the Blue Knights drum major for best conducting. Absolutely not(wink wink) what you would see me doing up there. Man, I really want to like Spirit. They’ve got a great show, but they’re not performing it to the level it demands and deserves. The closer is one of my favorites this year, but they’re not giving me any reason to clap for it yet. If they clean it up and get it together, they’ve got a good shot at 12th. Madison Scouts have somehow returned. I like this show. It’s pure entertainment to me. The closer is great, and I wish they did a big fat sustain at the end but that’s just my tastes. Troopers last few phrases hit like a truck and then kept going. By the time they were done I couldn’t feel my face anymore. Mandarins with one of the great opening moments this year. Voodoo! The ballad is great. New closer brings it full circle. Vanguard got a standing ovation as they walked on. Great to see them back. They need to get rid of VanDoren as the brass arranger(unpopular opinion I’m sure, especially considering his prolific use at the high school level). I have the same musical problems with this year as I did in 22: the whole show is variations on a theme of United in Grief like 22 was variations of a the of Smells Like Teen Spirit. Love the drill as usual. Really great curvilinear forms. Boston got everyone to their feet at the Shaker Loops reprise and deservedly so. What an astounding performance and only .025 back from BD due to a fascinating visual score. If they want the silver, they have to go get it, but it’s easily possible. Phantom. The opener is incredible. The visual pacing of the show to maintain interest through the extended percussion features is great. Equilibrium is getting really tight. Visually some spacing issues after the kick halt. The ballad is actually growing on me as the brief respite from all the chaos of the mynd. Fly or Die. Tasty; just tasty. Crowd ate it up and spit energy back at them. The closer. Holy…. I have NEVER been in a crowd like that. Absolutely electric. The mellophones ascended to another level of power, and when the entire corps rushes the sideline, the sound is an actual physical force. I have never jumped to my feet faster. I think you’re looking at fourth place. If they want it, they can have it. And trust me when I say that the Finals crowd is absolutely capable of willing Regiment into fourth. Crown has problems. Much tighter brass run last night. Visual is just boring. Everything after the opener is a great example of how not to design a winning show. BUT the opener. Holy smokes was that an opener last night. Crowd loved it. If only the rest of the show had that level of design, this wouldn’t even be close to fourth and Bloo would have competition. BD also has problems. They are playing the heck out of this show. The show sucks. Minus the Pokémon and the Diablo III, musically this is not even close to coherent. And the visual is the worst I’ve ever seen out of Concord. The capes make everything in an otherwise great first three minutes dirty. The design of the show overall just boggles the mind. The cabinets of curiosity make zero sense and look, to my eyes, shall we say less than stellar. The merry go round props are transparently nothing more than cape receptacles, and add nothing else of visual note or meaning. The crowd did NOT like them. I said this in the show thread on Drum Corps Planet; you could smell the silent judgement. If they end up in second it will be because of the tremendous skill of the performers. I understand Bluecoats’ show on an intellectual level and likely mostly on a design level. I don’t like it. It will win, and rightly so, but it’s just not my thing. For me it’s the music. I get the Dymaxion part(chaos, disorder), but the rest could go and I wouldn’t be offended. Slap a better ending on and maybe you’ll get me. Noteworthy here is their absolute demolition of the score record for San Antonio. Best San Antonio trip yet. It’s going to be a good three weeks coming up here.
    3 points
  10. packwick

    DCI 2024

    Bloooo finally gettin that 1+ point gap they deserve. also maybe the highest southwestern regional score ever. over a 93??? not sure that's ever happened before, not when it has been held at this point in the season anyway. when i saw their show at the premiere, i thought gold with prob around a 98.5. this score makes u think that they maaaybe will eke out a 99. gonna need to up their guard game for that tho. honestly i think it's just as simple as adding more of those big, full ensemble weapon trick tosses that read well from upstairs. seems to be what's driving the content scores, to my eyes anyway. Boston has like their entire 20+ weapon line rolling under 7s and mostly nailing it. by the way, prob the best guard ive ever seen in DCI. i do like the clarity of Bloo's technique, tho. they seem to linger after their tosses, showing off their pristine hand placements and body carriage. it's very clear. Devs still clinging on to 2nd but i think Boston should overtake them soon. much more coherent show. finally the VA judge had some balls. thank you, Keith!
    3 points
  11. Tubalord11

    DCI 2024

    Hello all! Sorry for the late response, here’s my thoughts/comments from tonight: SCV: For having a year off, they are just as amazing as before!! Perc is just incredible, guard and some really great moments, and they sound phenomenal! If anything, I was a bit surprised by their volume…pretty much every other group was louder. It’s not a bad thing, just noticeable. But overall loved the show, and they will be even stronger next season. Music City: First time seeing them this season and I was very impressed! They are really building off their major success from last season and if they continue to greet like this, could Maybe be a finalist in the future. But a great show all around, loved the jam section after the ballad. Pacific Crest: much like MC, they are really building over their momentum, and it shows! I feel like they’ve stepped it up in all forms, and could be in finals really soon. Just need a finals type show and they will break the top 12 soon! Crossmen: Had a good 2 minute delay with electronics and then brought it!!! I don’t really understand the show, it’s my first watch so that makes sense, but they sounded great! Will definitely be in contention for the last spot in finals! Phantom: HOLY CRAP!!! I mean they are so freaking loud!!! Unbelievable sound, guard and perc is sooo good, and don’t get me started on their horn line. They are really starting to push for that 4th place spot,’and if Crown doesn’t figure something out soon, it could happen! Just in full shock with how good they are, best PR show in a LONG time!! And that DM is a Bad A**! Boston: Un-freaking-believable!!! Guard is out of this world, I mean holy heck!! This show is so much fun, and they sound fantastic!! It’s grown on me so much is definitely going to be a very close contention for second! They are just getting better my the day, and they do such an amazing job present the theme throughout! Crowd is gonna love this show at SA! Bluecoats-Seeing this life was, well, life changing. The shows meaning is deeper than I could have realized without seeing it life. From the inside of the Corps itself to the show, there is change to be found, and it’s beyond impressive the amount of GE and raw emotion this show has. Had a couple tears by the end. I’ve never seen anything like this show, and they will go undefeated this year. Thank you Bloo, for forever changing my life. Crown- yeah, idk what happened, but this show ain’t it. They still have that top tier hornline, but it’s just not a Crown show. It’s not, but it feels like a show a HS like Hebron, Vandy, Avon, ECT could do if they dialed it down a little, it’s just not on the level musically of Crowns previous years. Did I enjoy it, yes. But did it feel like Crown, not really. It just feels, Easy…For Crown. And why have such a cool prop just to barely use it, I don’t understand.
    3 points
  12. Rubisco

    DCI 2024

    The Blue Devils didn't win a single judge tonight. 😶 I'm absolutely thrilled for the Boston Crusaders. True, it will be hard to catch the Bluecoats this season, but even just beating the Blue Devils in Indy would be a huge achievement. 2nd place in general effect tonight, which may bode well for them. We'll have to see what happens in San Antonio with the full judging panel. It's also cool to see Phantom take a commanding 5th place position in the overall rankings. There are parts of their show that I think are done just as effectively as a medalist corps. The production just needs to be more consistently at that level from start to finish, with a little more musical and especially visual complexity. Maybe they'll achieve that by next year? Exciting times for them.
    3 points
  13. Dave609

    DCI 2024

    Phantom Regiment- Mynd: That opening statement was AMAZING! I really liked the amount of Tuba moments in the show and really like how overall Chaotic it was on the field (because of the show). The music is fast paced, and really goes well with what the story is telling. The Colorguard did a phenomenal job as well and I really like the the unique colors on each one. The Trombone and French horn duet took me by surprise. The power used was amazing for it (But I feel like the microphone was a bit to far into the instrument. I have to say the cyclone spot into one line in the ending was AWESOME! These guys really showed up today and I definitely see them being top 5 or even top 3!
    3 points
  14. TWHSPercDad

    DCI 2024

    I’ll be in San Antonio also. I’m very excited to see our The Woodlands HS Band current and former students and their awesome performances Saturday; IN PERSON!
    3 points
  15. LeanderMomma

    DCI 2024

    I’ll be there!
    3 points
  16. Adding to this but slightly different....We just had our summer interns come in. I was randomly assigned a drum major from one of the big local HS bands. Yes, it was random as I just started at the company and then was prodoted to Director shortly after starting. I haven't shared my band geekdom with anyone at the company yet. This kid is as smart as a whip, nice as could be, eager and humble. It's going to be a fun summer getting to know this student and helping them learn a bit about entrepreneurship and the business of business.
    3 points
  17. LeanderMomma

    DCI 2024

    Gotta say, the corps I most excited about at this point are Bluecoats (they had me at Son Lux), the Phantom Regiment (definitely have the best uniforms and the fan adoration factor) and the Troopers (definitely the best Troopers yet). I may change my mind though the season but these are the current shows I’m DYING to see live in San Antonio. My honorable mentions are the Boston Crayons, Blue Romantics and the New Orleandarins. 😍😍😍 Edit: AND CAROLINA CROWN TOO! How could I forget how much I love their show!!
    3 points
  18. packwick

    DCI 2024

    im a big devils fan, have accurately predicted their wins and the size of the scoring margins (prior to first meetup scores being rendered) for many years now, buuuut the fact that Scott needs to explain these shows in detail via YT is NOT a good thing. show, don't tell. i don't come away from the videos thinking, oh how brilliant! i come away thinking, wow, this is a muddy melange of half-baked ideas. doesn't always matter tho bc the devils' best shows have such great aesthetic and emotional peaks (w/ amazing performance qualities), so the confused theming doesn't always get in the way. dunno. sometimes it feels a lil tiny bit like the metaphor in the Texas Sharpshooter logical fallacy, where the guy paints a target around a bunch of random shots and cries, bullseye!
    3 points
  19. Liam Allen

    DCI 2024

    Alrighty, I have witnessed live drum corps; Boston, Crown, Phantom being the big three that I have seen. That being said, I will proceed to make possibly the worst prediction for the top 12 ever. 12. Spirit of Atlanta - I’ve seen footage. It’s disturbingly good. 11. Blue Stars - seen it live; good enough but it didn’t feel like enough to get them anywhere this season. 10. Colts - saw it live; once it cleans up it’s going to be dangerous. The trumpet soloist in the field of crosses section needs to figure out his life. 9. Cavaliers - Saw it live. At the home show no less, and the crowd reaction was depressing(but it was that way all night, just more so for Cavies I suspect because they had to follow Regiment Crusaders and Crown). I think that they will make enough changes throughout the season that they’ll keep above the Colts surge, but percussion scores don’t look like they’re going to be saving them this year, especially with Vanguard and the Rennicks back in the mix. 8. Troopers - I’ve seen footage. This sucker is the real deal. It’s dirty, but this is going to be the best show they’ve ever done hands down. I can’t wait to see this thing. They’re going to pass Cavaliers. That’s the kind of vehicle they’ve got. 7. Santa Clara Vanguard - They’re going to get shot in the face in visual analysis, and we’re already seeing that play out. Mandarins will start to pass them in GE as well once they start to clean up. That said, I really like the show, and I think it’s going to be a favorite for some older fans who hate props. The uniforms were the fatal mistake in their visual package. I think that they seem to be on the top of the pack for the Sanford. 6. Mandarins - maintaining their spot from last year is going to be easy. However, I think that the hype surrounding them is just slightly overstated, and they’ll peak a tad too early. Love the show, though. That’s going to be a theme here. 5. Phantom Regiment - what can I say, I’m a huge Phan. I’ve seen it live, and this show is a monster like I have never seen. The mellophones at the end are a force of nature. You can feel the sound. It managed to hype up the Lisle crowd, which is saying something(crowd was dead all night). This thing has legs, and they’ve already teased a San Antonio surprise that I can’t wait to see. Never been more excited to go to the Dome. 4. Boston Crusaders - I’ve seen it live, and it is sooo much better live than on Flo. However, barring some kind of natural disaster destroying Crown’s horns, they aren’t going to be able to overcome God’s Hornline. 3. Carolina Crown - Saw it live and immediately ran to their souvenir booth and spent $125. Once this show gets going later into the season, it is going to be incredible. The opening hit is comparable to being hit in the face with a freight train. Their big weakness is their drill. It sucks. The scores in visual analysis being as low as they are reflect this. They win performance, but they can’t win outright because their drill is absolutely meaningless and frankly stuck in 2013. The first two minutes of this show are absolutely brilliant in all captions. They need to make the rest of it reflect that. They are going to win the Ott again. 2. Blue Devils - I don’t think this show has it. I don’t understand it on an intellectual level, and I watched the Scott Chandler video explaining every aspect of the show on an intellectual level. The reason that I am evaluating it on an intellectual level is because that’s what Devils demand from their shows. It simply does not work. The music is schizophrenic to the point of not flowing at all(see the transition out of Pokémon, or the lack of one). The cabinet props don’t have anything to do with ‘the Romantics’, and they don’t add anything to the show visually. They are just space-filling eyesores to me. The merry-go-round horses make enough sense(Hisaishi piece that gets butchered for a completely out of left field reference to Frankenstein), but ultimately they just serve as depositories for the capes. The capes are left behind and forgotten, and I believe that in addition to “adding drama” they also have the added benefit of muddying the visual portion of the first four minutes of the show, which is where most of the actual drill happens. The use of the painting at the end is too late to have any real impact on the show. All in all, the show is, ironically enough, a Frankenstein’s monster of vague intellectual ideas and references to the Romantic era that adds up to a massive nothingness. Execution alone will net Devils the silver simply because they, and apparently DCI judge sheets, will never allow themselves to be any lower. 1. Bluecoats - On first read, this show is out there. I didn’t like it at all. Having watched it a few more times, the level of performance alone is enough to net them the gold. The fact that the show will evolve, as all Bloo shows do, into an incredible vehicle over the course of the season to deliver their concept is the end of the discussion for me. This is the show that can do the unthinkable: beat the Devils. I think they can unseat what has been an unbeatable BD death grip on the visual caption, and GE to boot. I suspect that it will slowly gain momentum as it progresses, but they will ultimately be able to hear their name and gold medal in the same sentence on Finals night for the first time in eight years. I wish that I could say that Crown will get the gold, but I am unfortunately a realist as well as a Crown fan. I do, however, think that this will be a VERY competitive top 4; more competitive than it’s ever been. 5-7 will also be a deathmatch. The bottom of the top 12 is also going to be a deathmatch. This year, I’m seeing the highest quality of shows across the board that I’ve ever seen, and I like Crown and Boston enough that I wish we could just put Devils in fourth and have a three way tie for first. But that will never happen. This is going to be one of the best if not the best season ever across the board, and no matter who wins at least we’ll all be very sufficiently entertained until the BD five peat next year.
    3 points
  20. Freer High School is the alma mater of Steve McMichael, who is being inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame this summer. McMichael is an alum of The University of Texas and was a member of the 1985 Chicago Bears team that won the Super Bowl with one of the greatest defenses in NFL history. McMichael was diagnosed with ALS in 2021 and this year was likely the last chance for him to be alive for his enshrinement as his health has deteriorated greatly. The Freer High School Band is trying to raise fund to be in Canton to participate in the Hall of Fame Parade. Please consider giving to their GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/freerhs-halloffameparade Thank you.
    3 points
  21. packwick

    DCI 2024

    yep yep, can confirm, bloo has kicked it up a notch this year. first full goosebumps of the season w/ that build into the ballad. it's a visual feast too. richly layered and appealingly sculpted, w/o losing control. so much going on at once but very few lapses in balance, logic, and clarity, pretty much only during the more chaotic parts, which is intentional. grips you right away and doesn't let up. beginning, middle, and end all have wow moments, couched in that strange Bloo ether. it's not the most earth shatteringly creative thing but there's more than enough wit. feels like the culmination of lessons learned from Tilt and Kinetic Noise + some woodlands 2016 thrown in there w/ the platforms. easy top 2 this year, maybe 1st.
    3 points
  22. Yes, US Bands is introducing a World Class, and it seems this is a sort of test run. Regardless, it will be very interesting to see how this comp shakes out, first time having all these heavy hitters at US Bands!!
    2 points
  23. Updated the post to reflect that. Thanks!
    2 points
  24. Hey, TMEA changed their finalists. They should have never posted Haltom as a result because there was a tie with Shadow Creek and a replay. Shadow Creek advanced instead.
    2 points
  25. Congratulations to our TMEA Honor Band State Finalists! I'm just going down the list of entries on the TMEA website. No idea how the top 5 were ranked in each semifinals room. The final listening session is tomorrow. Coppell (Area B, Region 31) Flower Mound (Area C, Region 2) Marcus (Area C, Region 2) Waxahachie (Area D, Region 20) Claudia Taylor Johnson (Area E, Region 12) Lake Travis (Area E, Region 32) College Park (Area F, Region 9) The Woodlands (Area F, Region 9) Shadow Creek (Area H, Region 17) Dawson (Area H, Region 19) (Edited to reflect tie-breaker between Haltom and Shadow Creek)
    2 points
  26. Thanos

    DCI 2024

    I just can't wait to see what the finals crowd at Indy🔥
    2 points
  27. clarinetistkai05

    DCI 2024

    IM SO EXCITED FOR TMRW! I am going to DCI McKinney and I get to see Blue Stars, Troopers, Mandies, and SCV!!!! I will definitely be a hundred dollars poorer but it’s okayyy 😭
    2 points
  28. Dave609

    DCI 2024

    I'm so Happy that The Bluecoats won San Antonio! Their show is legit amazing imo
    2 points
  29. Dave609

    DCI 2024

    The Results: World Class: 1st: 89.15- The Bluecoats 2nd: 88.25- Blue Devils & Boston Crusaders 4th: 86.75- Carolina Crown 5th: 84.55- Phantom Regiment 6th: 82.50- Mandarians 7th: 80.95- The Cavaliers SoundSport Class: Zephyrus- gold rating
    2 points
  30. Dave609

    DCI 2024

    The Cavaliers- Beneath the Armor: Alright, I already really like their uniforms, especially the shakos. A glass/shard look instead of the regular feathers is really unique! I really think they have a chance at top 7 after seeing this run. During the first 2 movements, I was really enjoying the music . I have noticed some issues with some of the high notes for the trumpets though (don't know if its the technique not allowing them to hit the note). I'm not sure about the slow movement though, the music isn't really my favorite choice, but I did like how they changed into split uniforms, a unique version to The Cadets 2011. I have to say its interesting hearing evanescence in a show (The song name is called Bring me back to Life), not something I was expecting. I have to say that this show gives me the same vibes as The Bluecoats 2016. They kept moving the props around and the music has a similar flow. Overall though, I really enjoyed the show!
    2 points
  31. I’m a little late but voila! We’re meeting Area J head on with this one😉
    2 points
  32. TLMANI

    DCI 2024

    I drove to San Antonio a few years ago from Upstate South Carolina and hope to be there this year. I love the high school marching bands and drum corps competitions. While I am no longer a band director, I am still an adjudicator for GE, Music, and Marching so I stay involved in that manner. There is nothing like seeing the shows live or in person. I admire those participating in the marching arts for their commitment, sacrifices, and financial contributions. I am concerned about the financial part as it is getting so expensive. I don't know what the answer is to that part, but something must be done before more corps fold or have to take a hiatus. The same for the competitive high school marching bands. Bands of America, Youth Education in the Arts/YEA, and other marching band circuits also need to be concerned about cost including tickets.
    2 points
  33. Liam Allen

    DCI 2024

    Anyone going to San Antonio? That’s going to be fun for a lot of new stuff.
    2 points
  34. Tubalord11

    DCI 2024

    Bloo with an 87, BAC 86 and Crown 85, sheesh oh and Phantom was only .5 behind Crown. 2 different shows but still note worthy 👀
    2 points
  35. clarinetistkai05

    DCI 2024

    i can’t wait to see dci live for the first time! this is the first full season im following, and ill be at dci mckinney this year! im super excited and i cannot wait to see all the shows!!! :)))
    2 points
  36. packwick

    DCI 2024

    scv still has that suuuper strong and aggressive brass sound, which is pretty cool considering they didn't field a corps last yr. i mean overall they're rock solid given the circumstances. visual seems to straddle an outdated and contemporary style, which might be why it's not super duper effective rn, along w/ the fact that it's quite dirty. like, parts of it look like they're going for the contemporary stagey style, but then the field doesn't look like a stage at all bc there's no scenic design, so it becomes unbalanced and uninteresting. the parts that are more like what Gaines does for Carmel w/ the traditional drill are a little more effective although more familiar and old-fashioned. guard seems kind of not there at times too. like the ending of that jazz section in the opener is sooo voluminous musically but the guard is just barely there, dancing around. needs more visual volume, should be a flag moment. Mandarins are fun, really loud, i recall that from last yr too when i saw them live. just like a huuuge wall of sound. some really cool vis moments again, seems like they're figuring out how to write effective shows pretty consistently. i think my favorite vis part is the "unwinding uterus" in the opener LOL. my best description of it. flags around it could use some work.
    2 points
  37. packwick

    DCI 2024

    somebody did a live stream of DCI west w/ their phone. filmed in portrait. also sounds like he's eating candy during the devs, lots of crinkling sounds. ugh. lol. go do some ASMR, fella. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zpmkU1_L4hU&pp=ygUQYmx1ZSBkZXZpbHMgMjAyNA%3D%3D Devs make lots of grand exclamations w/ amazingly rich chordal moments in the brass that sound championship quality, but still not really fitting together, + only fitfully compelling visually. the pokemon battle music is still a major wtf for me in this thematic context, tho it may not be as bad if you're too old to recognize it lol. "It's not very effective..." iykyk. prob just the Devs' go at appealing to younger viewers. gotta link it all together somehow to make it magical from beginning to end. i think their ens music perf is considerably stronger than the vis rn. devs are typically visual wizards. right near the start you see timing issues in the guard and form control issues in the brass, and they seem unusually persistent. mostly seems fixable tho.
    2 points
  38. Tubalord11

    DCI 2024

    It makes me really happy seeing Bloo keep up with BD rn. Really love their show and hoping they can pull the “upset” if we’d even call it that. Crown and BAC still have potential, but my $’s on Bloo. But the season had just been such a step up from the past two, loving everyone rn. SA is gonna be a heck of a show. And tysm for your commentary, love reading all you have to say
    2 points
  39. packwick

    DCI 2024

    bloo holding a little lead over devils at different contests today. 81.9 to 81.3. isn't the silly horse race part of DCI scores fun? around this time last yr is when Devs opened up the huge 1.5+ gap that they maintained throughout the season. hasn't happened yet, maybe good news for the others. unless it's just slightly delayed this yr. lol lookin at the recap, actually a chance that the 'true' gap b/w bloo and devils rn is bigger than 0.6. noticed right away that 6 of 8 judges had BD scoring lower than they scored tonight, while 6 of 8 had bloo scoring higher. devs were a bit buoyed by 2 judges, including GE1, which gets doubled at major events. bloo's 2 weak judges were brass and individual vis, again.
    2 points
  40. Yeah- I saw on HornRank- I’m really looking forward to seeing it on YouTube Best of luck to them at the Prosper regional!
    2 points
  41. Tubalord11

    DCI 2024

    Can’t wait to be going to Denton! Great lineup, super excited to see some of the top groups in person, was lucky enough to get a good seat. Might go to McKinney as well so me that’s right down the street.
    2 points
  42. Bentonville announced their show Black Sheep. I know they aren’t a Texas band but they are a GN finalist and they are headed to the Prosper regional this October!
    2 points
  43. Sideswiperr

    DCI 2024

    Trust I didn’t 😂
    2 points
  44. Sideswiperr

    DCI 2024

    I just love the way you word things
    2 points
  45. As much as this would be helpful for some programs, I think the system they have now is good. Having a D1 and D2 would make things to “completed” and also less competitive, which takes away motivation for programs to improve rather than having an “easy” way in, though I understand the thought.
    2 points
  46. packwick

    DCI 2024

    devs are excellent. buuuuut i don't think this show is as strong as the past 2 yrs. then again i also don't really remember what those ones looked like in June lol. guard is killing it for sure, tho lots of samey toss-turn-catch phrases. i like the easy-going, 80s movie soundtrack feel of the ballad but it doesn't quite reach the peaks of their last two ballads. def would give effect to the bluecoats right now. a more coherent, seamless product for now. better mise-en-scene as well, more balanced and less cluttered looking.
    2 points
  47. Oh gosh, this thing just got so much more competitive
    2 points
  48. BandNerd07

    UIL 6A Area J 2024

    Yeah I could understand why you may have McKinney and Byron over East or Braswell, but I kinda did that just to mix it up a little and see different finalists because if you notice, 10 out of the 12 finalists from area C moved here. If definitely would be more interesting seeing different finalists every year to add to the excitement, but it will ultimately be up to what the judges feel like that day.
    2 points
  49. I’m pretty sure these are just bots 😂
    2 points
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