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Tubalord11 last won the day on July 26

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  1. Boston and Phantom…wow Deserved and not surprised as well tomorrow night will be insane
  2. Seeing that Richardson won this comp last year, barely, but they also were only 2 out (I think) of finals from area, and I expect them to come back strong next season. Them, Argyle and Boswell will definitely be top 3, with Brennan and Steele not much far behind.
  3. Will be fun to see how Argyle does here against Richardson and Boswell before heading up to San Antonio and Grand Nationals
  4. Congratulations to Dawson on this amazing accomplishment! There marching band program has been amazing these past few seasons and it's no surprise to see their musical talent transfer to the concert band stage. And ofc, great job to all of our other bands who competed!
  5. Yes, US Bands is introducing a World Class, and it seems this is a sort of test run. Regardless, it will be very interesting to see how this comp shakes out, first time having all these heavy hitters at US Bands!!
  6. Yeah it’s a new SA record!!! Ik it’s not likely, but I REALLY hope they get the new high score for finals!!! I’d be beyond 😊
  7. Yes the weather was phenomenal!! And yeah Bloo and PR were my favorite, and yeah BAC’s guard was insane, and yeah I agree about crown, maybe they are waiting to add more, the new uniform switch was cool though.
  8. If you click on the event and “View Information”, you will see the enrollment for the comp
  9. It was an unforgettable night of DCI, and I’m super excited to watch SA soon!! Amazing performances all around!
  10. Hello all! Sorry for the late response, here’s my thoughts/comments from tonight: SCV: For having a year off, they are just as amazing as before!! Perc is just incredible, guard and some really great moments, and they sound phenomenal! If anything, I was a bit surprised by their volume…pretty much every other group was louder. It’s not a bad thing, just noticeable. But overall loved the show, and they will be even stronger next season. Music City: First time seeing them this season and I was very impressed! They are really building off their major success from last season and if they continue to greet like this, could Maybe be a finalist in the future. But a great show all around, loved the jam section after the ballad. Pacific Crest: much like MC, they are really building over their momentum, and it shows! I feel like they’ve stepped it up in all forms, and could be in finals really soon. Just need a finals type show and they will break the top 12 soon! Crossmen: Had a good 2 minute delay with electronics and then brought it!!! I don’t really understand the show, it’s my first watch so that makes sense, but they sounded great! Will definitely be in contention for the last spot in finals! Phantom: HOLY CRAP!!! I mean they are so freaking loud!!! Unbelievable sound, guard and perc is sooo good, and don’t get me started on their horn line. They are really starting to push for that 4th place spot,’and if Crown doesn’t figure something out soon, it could happen! Just in full shock with how good they are, best PR show in a LONG time!! And that DM is a Bad A**! Boston: Un-freaking-believable!!! Guard is out of this world, I mean holy heck!! This show is so much fun, and they sound fantastic!! It’s grown on me so much is definitely going to be a very close contention for second! They are just getting better my the day, and they do such an amazing job present the theme throughout! Crowd is gonna love this show at SA! Bluecoats-Seeing this life was, well, life changing. The shows meaning is deeper than I could have realized without seeing it life. From the inside of the Corps itself to the show, there is change to be found, and it’s beyond impressive the amount of GE and raw emotion this show has. Had a couple tears by the end. I’ve never seen anything like this show, and they will go undefeated this year. Thank you Bloo, for forever changing my life. Crown- yeah, idk what happened, but this show ain’t it. They still have that top tier hornline, but it’s just not a Crown show. It’s not, but it feels like a show a HS like Hebron, Vandy, Avon, ECT could do if they dialed it down a little, it’s just not on the level musically of Crowns previous years. Did I enjoy it, yes. But did it feel like Crown, not really. It just feels, Easy…For Crown. And why have such a cool prop just to barely use it, I don’t understand.
  11. Good evening everyone! We’re here live at the University of North Texas for an amazing night of DCI!! I will be taking comments throughout the night and post before heading home! Super excited for tonight!
  12. Here’s my scores/caption thoughts: everything is as it should be. I think Crowns brass was the biggest surprise for me, but I do understand the gap. Otherwise yeah, Bloo looking mighty strong rn, and hoping BAC can take second, amazing job tonight everyone!
  13. Hey everyone! Was able to catch this comp after work thanks to being able to pause the show before hand, so here’s my thoughts, sorry for the big post: Cavaliers: Really love the first half, feels like the music that would be for this type of show, but I really don’t understand the direction they’re going in. The drill is very engaging, and they sound much improved, I just don’t really feel like this is a show they’d normally do, but very good regardless. Brass has really cleaned up, great performance Cavies!!! Phantom: WOW WOW WOW!!!!!! This corps just keeps blowing mind more each time o see them!!! Their best show in I don’t know how long. Guard is on another level, possibly the best PR’s ever had. Duet soloist are unreal, brass and perc are straight 🔥🔥🔥, I mean wow PR, just wow. Might be the show I’m most excited to see Thursday, not enough words to describe how much I love this show, incredible job PR, SUTA!!! Boston: BOSTON!!!! What a production they’re putting on!!! The new ending is SOOOO much better, guard is out of this world and my god do they sound incredible!!! GE is off the charts, drill is so entertaining, might be my favorite BAC show ever. They are doing an amazing just portraying the theme, and the uniforms look great!!! Could def see them snagging the silver this year, won’t be easy but definitely possible, amazing job Boston!!! Mandarins: SOOO ENTERTAINING!!! God this show is so fun to watch!! Ballad is definitely the highlight for me, so beautiful with tons of musical expression. Drill is great, some parts musically I feel they are overpowering, causing some very minor tuning issues but that will be fixed very soon. Love the trio after the ballad, and just an amazingly designed show!! Biggest compliment is no spiny props Wonderful job Mandies!!! BD: Marching and Music is amazing, show design is just Meh. Like I don’t understand at all what the theme is, and it makes me kinda sad. Last year they had my favorite show, but I just can’t understand how this is in any way about “The Romantics”. Everything just feels like a step down from last 2 seasons. Guard and Perc are pretty dirty for them, which is like never and issue around this time, but some pretty exposed drops. They will still finish well, and the drill is Very cool, love the different box drill that gets bigger across the field, and they have some cool musical moments, just not my cup of tea, but they are performing the heck out of the show, amazing job BD!! Blooo: They are going to win this year! Crow: HOLY BRASS!!!! I haven’t seen them in a while and they have improved a TON!! Guard was also wow. This will probably be 4th, but medaling is still possible for them. I don’t understand the small usage of the big tower, they could do so much more with it, but yeah they were fantastic, just need that finishing touch!! And I do feel like it’s lacking in something, idk what yet, just feels almost not as challenging, but they still sound fantastic ! Amazing job Crown!!!
  14. Troopers will be fine i promise. Once drill cleans up they will jump in score a good amount, could end up 9th at the highest imo, I have them in 10th rn but they will be fine. They definitely will be top 12 fs
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