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Tubalord11 last won the day on February 11

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  1. Okay awesome thanks for the information, will definitely have to do this if possible!! Definitely wanna get the full crown experience for finals!
  2. Omg wow yeah that sounds really nice! Does being in the suite take away from the sound at all? That’s my only reserve as I wanna be able to hear all the details, don’t really mind having to walk from a hotel for better sound, want everything big and loud 😂
  3. Yeah, might have to get the Eagle experience, will be making a good amount with my summer internship so might have to treat myself 🤭
  4. really happy to see Coppell on the list, would love to see another regular SASR come over, but regardless the lineup is already looking stacked!
  5. NO CONFLICT WITH AREA RAHHHHH Can't wait to host everyone one last time 🥹
  6. Planning on FINALLY attending this one in person this year. Was gonna go last season but it just wasn't gonna work out I'd be surprised if they weren't here, unless they have money issues it's a great "warmup" for state, hoping we see them on the list soon!!
  7. Glad y’all are coming back!! Also, Im also happy to announce that I can confirm I will be attending this contest for a 3rd consecutive year!! Super excited, as this event has been nothing short of incredible with insanely stacked lineups!
  8. Emerson with a 76 at Little Elm, need to see that show but they are starting out really well for their first trip to Dayton, there Olympics/gymnastics show last year was fantastic!
  9. I do remember this, they had an incredibly talented group, the rifle line especially, SO many upfront tosses that they were nailing pretty much all season, will have to see there show soon!
  10. Glad you’re okay bro
  11. Sounds like it was a Pearland Dad, who took down the suspect, whether you’re on these forms or not thank you so much for saving the lives of hundreds of people today! Glad to hear everybody is okay
  12. Sounds like there was a shooting at the Pasadena Memorial contest, praying and hoping everyone is okay!! The police have attained the suspect and the rest of the comp has been cancelled, please stay safe everyone 🙏
  13. Yeah I’m just seeing I misspelled that and can’t change it 💀
  14. Would love to hear everyone’s thoughts of the new approved proposals. I personally have mixed feelings. I think having a WW soloists could definitely bring some more esthetics and effect to the show, especially the ballad, but I do think it needs to remain at the soloists level, as I do think DCI needs to stay brass only as it’s what it’s known for since the start, but I’m very excited to see what creative ideas corps will use with the new addition!
  15. I’m really hoping they make the trip. There’s already a really large group bound to be coming. Flomo and Marcus should be in attendance per their rotation cycle, as well as Round Rock, TW’s, Hopefully Reagan and CTJ, and ofc any other possible surprises like Coppell or one of the Leander schools (I’m looking at you Rouse :). But yeah, Wylie would do great here, easily a semi-finalist and with a super strong show, I see them in finals. Their last 3 shows have been amazing, and last years was just phenomenal!!
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