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Everything posted by Dynasty

  1. You can write stuff for the newsletter. I'll proof it and put in anything I find suitable.
  2. The Podcast is produced by Dan... What can you expect to happen in the off season? He is a college student, and does it for free. You can't demand a whole lot. Andrew is a hard working kid, and he writes well. Just be glad he does it at all. The newsletter is because I don't have the time with school and band, and I don't know how to make one. There's no point in producing it if no one is going to subscribe to it in the off season. Predictions.... I didn't even know we were having predictions.
  3. Well, if you are offering to help out, please do.
  4. It'll be out within two days or so! And its a good show too!
  5. We paid off our $119.40 server bill with user donations. We have about 30 dollars in our paypal account, and 100 physical dollars from WGI Austin.
  6. Well, thanks! That is really generous of you. Our 2006-2007 Drive will probably start in late October.
  7. Hey Guys, I'm sorry that this is a little overdue, but I want to thank everyone for supporting TxBands and helping us stay online for another year. Thanks to: TinyTim($15) Xenon($100) MrMusic5002($5) Kelly11($20) cookie_monster($5) actualgirltrombone($5) bands_of_canada_rox($5) Rebel($5) wilson07($10) Danpod($110) nnelsonbsn($10) All these people have access to the VIP section of the site! Anyways, we are definitly open to suggestions on how to spend the remainder of our cash. We have about 30 dollars in our paypal account, and 100 dollars from the booth at WGI Austin. If nothing comes up, we'll save it for next year's web hosting. Thanks!
  8. Ours wear neck straps, and it is almost necessary for our "carry" position. Hey, and it makes for some good tan lines too!
  9. Wow... I absolutely love it. I think it would sound a ton better with some good sound recording equipment, but oh well.
  10. I voted: thesnareguy It seemed to be more like a song than a grouping of cool music effects. I liked the beat too.
  11. Yeah, and Dan trying to light up under the table... oh... I'll keep quiet.
  12. Man... Those 100 chicken nuggets and sauce were heavenly.... and I ate at least 98 of those chicken nuggets.
  13. Ryan, I went ahead and moved your file: http://upload.txbands.com/musicdrill/ryan.wav
  14. It doesn't work that way, sorry! When I set up the folders, I messed up. From now on, the upload folder will be under the web folder instead of on the main page. Login to FTP --> Web --> MusicDrill --> Drag your file there Now you can access your files by adding the prefix "http://upload.txbands.com/musicdrill/*filename.wav*" Note: I changed the capitalization to all lower caps. Our web addresses are case sensitive!
  15. Well I don't know how nerdy you people are, but even though the user inteface didn't change much, it changed from CGI to PHP. Thats a HUGE upgrade! (Our whole site is in pHp :-) )
  16. Since I really don't want to handle your money (too many problems could arise), the shirts will cost $18.00 each + shipping (maybe 3 or 4 dollars?). All purchases will be handled through our CafePress store (regular Credit Card payment, paypal, etc.) Once we get enough committments from people, I can design it and set it up online. Then everyone will be obligated to buy it if they added their name to it. Please, if you say you want your name on the shirt, please order one! TxBands is only getting about 2 dollars for each shirt. And sorry, there are no bulk discounts.
  17. You can PM me with your real names and school names. I'll take care of designing the shirt for you guys!
  18. What about getting credit carded by a marching horn or euph? Oh, and... Band bus rides. Nuff said.
  19. Mnkyman, The staff has discussed your proposal, and we have a few concerns. 1) We are a band community, not really a computer oriented community. I doubt that there are more than four people that would want to or have the skills to participate. 2) The idea is good, but it doesn't really benefit TxBands in a field where we need support. After a week or two it would die down, and then would just seem like time wasted on programming and design. Sorry, but we don't think it's going to work. Thanks for your support.
  20. Haha, I would never do that. Thanks guys!
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