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  1. I don't usually mind as long as the balance works with the band, and I think it's a part of the activity for the foreseeable future, which I'm fine with. I guess the show designers/teachers know the risks of electronic-heavy programs, and take the bad with the good. It just sucks that the bad happened on the last run of the year.
  2. Reagan was 1st in C/D last night, and dropped to 4th tonight. I know judges swap captions, but I'd hate to think that their electronic issues might have effected the design rankings.
  3. It feels futile to attempt to pick a winner out of those programs. I have no idea how things will shake out, but these are kind of where I feel things COULD end up. 1-4: Hebron, Vista, Vandy, Woodlands. Any of these four could earn gold. 5-7: Reagan, Cedar Ridge, Flomo. 8-10: CTJ, Coppell, Marcus. 11-14: Pearland, Round Rock, Keller, Waxahachie. I can't wait to be completely wrong.
  4. I think they have had my favorite show all year, so I would absolutely love to see them take a medal or even gold. It's really hard to say at this point.
  5. This block has been the best consistent stretch of marching band performances I've ever seen from high school students.
  6. I wouldn't say anything comes easily in State finals. But it's going to take a lot to top that run for me.
  7. Electronics issue. Had to skip almost their entire pre-show as a result, I think.
  8. I always have thought that Marcus could comfortably play louder, but it's hard to be mad at them when they sound like that.
  9. It's so difficult to see it from this perspective when you're a student in one of the programs. The goals that teachers set for their students are so much more than a ranking at some BOA competition. But when you're a teenager, all you want to care about is if you beat Hebron or whoever.
  10. I noticed it too. My first thought was a computer issue.
  11. My ears may be playing tricks on me, but it sounds like there's one Coppell lead trumpet just going for broke on these last couple of sustains, and I am absolutely here for it.
  12. Round Rock's show is such a cool design. I could see a certain DCI group running with a concept like this, albeit with more notes...Maybe a corps that has done sci-fi shows in the past...
  13. Pearland came to play! I can't tell if what we're hearing through the stream is the same as what the judges are hearing because the audio has been so weird, but the brass sounded really great. What a great run to open finals.
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