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Posts posted by vincentlee1220

  1. If you're brass/percussion/guard, you can see if there's a DCA corps near you (or learn one of the aforementioned instruments if you're a woodwind). Otherwise, I'm not sure there's anything else besides convincing a school to take you on as staff.

    Some positions might not need a music degree -- I know an old classmate of mine was the cymbal tech at vista ridge for a quite a bit after she graduated.

  2. Second this idea. UIL's website has been terrible for unearthing old results. I imagine we'll have quite a bit of work cut out for us if we want a complete archive, but I'm very interested in contributing what little I know.

    I agree, I think a good place to begin is simply a Google Drive with folders by-contest. Within each contest we can subdivide further by class, if necessary, then people can upload results or full recap pdfs (images if no pdf's can be found) that they have.

    If I remember, I'll actually get started on this soon.

  3. Hi all,


    Wondering if anyone has high(er) quality videos of the following shows - I try to keep an updated archive of videos from my alma mater and I'm missing a few:


    • Vista Ridge 2014 (SA Finals) - This was my senior year, and the very first time vista made SA finals, so it's special to me. For some reason I've lost track of the youtube link I had for it (but it wasn't a very good link anyways). This one is the one I'm mainly looking for sad.png


    • Vista Ridge 2016 (State prelims) - The high cam on youtube of SA prelims is a bit too zoomed out, and it's also not their last performance, which was at state prelims
    • Vista Ridge 2017 (SA prelims) - Only run I can find on youtube is the SA sendoff run
    • Vista Ridge 2003-2009 (state finals for 2007, state prelims for 2008, whatever you have for the rest): kind of a shot in the dark, but if you have any videos from the prehistoric past of vista ridge I'd love to see them. I've seen a fuzzy 2007 state finals run, 2008 region run, and 2009 SA prelims run, but something higher quality + the other years would be great.


    Hi-cam preferred, but I'll definitely take multicam too. PM me if links are "too sensitive", and I'll cross out whatever I've gotten.


    Thanks in advance!

  4. Proud VRHS mom here and I'm no judge of marching skills and obviously I love my kid's show. However, I really believe the Vista show gripped people this year in such an emotional way that it may have put us over the top. We were glued to the live blog and the love we received from Landry and the Daniels was so amazing to see.  But when Daniel Sanchez said, "That transition back into lost destroys me every single time. There are multiple people up here in the press box with tears," my next thought was "OMG we might have just won it!" That was the point where I thought we could actually take home the gold.  Today the kids listened to the recording of the judges comments in class and the judges were crying during our show. How could a show that moves you so much not get points for that? Maybe I'm wrong, because I know nothing but dang that was one fine show and those kids marched it beautifully! And we started the competition just wanting to make it to finals (speaking as a parent). Being a medal contender was so off my radar.


    wow, I wish I could hear some of these tapes. this is like the time a judge exclaimed "holy brass" at our first hit at 2013 Area D finals, but at a whole 'nother level.

  5. Not to mention that the Areas are definitely not evenly balanced with each other (for better or worse). Results at Area have little bearing on state in light of this fact, since the Area champion may be competing with bands at state they haven't even competed with all season. In a weaker area, taking the championship can definitely result in a finish in the middle of state prelims, and that's nothing to be ashamed of.

  6. Just wondering from other's perspectives about what lacked in Vista Ridge's performance to break into the finals.  From the webcast, it looked spot on to me and I liked it better that a few of the finalists.


    This contest was just *that* competitive, which means every little element of both design and execution matter (and performance time, luck, all the things out of your control, etc.)

    Functionally speaking I liked this show's design and execution the most out of the last three shows.


    For perspective, we made it into finals in 2014 with a 85.95 (13th) in prelims, the score this year was 88.55 (16th)

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