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Posts posted by GeekyBandMom

  1. My opinion is longterm on a larger scale the impact won’t be hugely significant if the activities return to normal next fall and the finances are still breathing. I can see most competions and groups bouncing back with force and gusto, passion and excitement for what was missed this year. Clearly, the financial impact is going to be significant, however, and as the millions of people out of work/furloughed etc- this will have an impact that trickles to all kinds of activities dependent on social gathering- obviously marching arts aren’t excluded.

    However, I think the impact on specific groups (or individual kids) is going to vary widely. This will depend a lot on what kind of strength the group had to begin with, how well they adapt to what’s happening this year, and frankly how motivating the leadership is to get back on the field. This isn’t a judgement, just a statement of how I see it moving forward.

    I think some bands that had retention problems (regardless of the cause) to begin with might have even more significant issues with this going forward. I imagine many seniors will quit this year, and that has a sortof spiral and poor morale issue on the band as a whole (ask me how I know lol). I think bands that have strong leadership with communicative and personal band instructors, involved parents all eager to get the kids back at it sooner rather than later will likely have a better outcome. It’s not going to motiv kids to stay in band if the directors themselves aren’t eager to figure a way to work it out. Again, not a judgment on the part of teachers and instructors- only that from a kid’s perspective they are eager to get going asap is what I’m hearing. My lame comparison is to look at restaurants- those that adapted quickly to all of this curbside, online ordering, masks and cleaning survived (if weakly) and those that didn’t have gone forever. It’s quite unfortunate. This is just my .$02 I’m sure there are many perspectives here.

  2. Maybe the poster on Reddit was including their regular band fees in his total. These trips ain’t cheap but they are oh so worth it I’m sure.


    On a similar note, I’m appalled at a YouTube video of Leander at GN where people are commenting on how the only reason these schools win competitions is because of money. They obviously have no clue how hard these kids work. Yes, money can buy great designers and directors but not every great program has tons of money. Also, some are just tremendously good at fundraising. Not every district gives their bands (or their directors!) a ton of money. It takes a lot of factors and I hate to see such hard work and talent degraded in such a way. I guess it’s inevitable but it’s a shame really. At least the band kids know the truth!

    Absolutely! The truth is strong MS programs, minimal attrition of students, and retention of staff are the major contributing factors to success. Money opens doors for sure in terms of design, but it surely won’t make the kids more attentive during rehearsal or mean directors will be more effective and efficient with use of their 8 hours or inspire parents and kids to buy into 7 years of band. District support at all levels, and minimal competing programs (not having orchestra class in 4th grade competing with band for students for example) are also factors. I think money is fundraised by successful programs because parents and students are involved and driven to be successful in band and in everything else in their lives. On the flipside there are plenty of programs with plenty of money (member’s families and/or from the district) that aren’t nearly as successful as Leander. Period. Money matters, but only so much.

  3. I really don’t care for narration on the field or in winter drumline. Sometimes it’s ok with winter guard, maybe because it’s so much more dancing involved. But even then, it is usually overused and is a distraction. There have been a couple of instances when narration made a perfect point in a small dose. More often than not, however, it’s used to replace what the designer didn’t create an overall effect with and gets in the way of the performance and the performers. Just my 2cents.

  4. No particular order


    Cedar Park

    Dripping Springs





    Burleson Centennial

    Wylie East




    Highland Park

    I think this is solid based on the season so far. I think Rouse and CP medal, and not sure who on top. I don’t think show style is as important as years past, but performance is and both of those groups do it well. The rest of the lineup order is up for grabs imo, the groups are all somewhat close in skill, difficulty and have different strong points. Performance time might be a factor, might not. Will be interesting to see how it plays out and what the kids do with their 8 minutes!


    My son is a marimba player and a senior. He want to participate in marching band while in college, and while he can play non-pit percussion instruments as well, he has never marched! He’s wondering if concert band is his only option in college.

    Yes, just to name a few in Texas would be UNT, UTSA, UTA (no FB team), Texas State, UTEP, TCU (I think). There are options (more than those for sure) if he wants marching band pit.


    are you talking about being on the field during the actual performance or during set up and take down?

    Prior. BOA limits the number of people who are allowed on the field for pit/props prior to performing. BOA also provides limited number of passes that can be used for your chaperones, drivers (dads carrying podiums or whatever). But the number of people who can enter the field to help is limited,. They have to clear the field for performance, so this is strictly getting equipment on and then off through the endzone. This is different than UIL, where the number of people helping is basically whatever you need and time is stopped after exiting the field, which can be just getting onto the track (unless that has changed). I’m not as in the loop anymore because I’m not responsible for it anymore. Maybe I’m wrong, so I’m sorry if this is wrong info.

  7. Yes parents can help. However, your band will receive a limited number of passes, I can’t recall that number. Additionally, I think a maximum of 18?? non-performers are allowed on the field, but I could be wrong. Someone correct that if it’s wrong. Passes will be given to the director, and distribution is however your organization needs them. So if you need 15 parents for pit crew/props, those are subtracted from the total passes provided by BOA. In the past we have actually tried to double up with chaperones, so a few chaperones might carry microphones or help push a synth cart, just to make sure everyone who needs a pass, receives one and all the volunteer spots we need filled get filled and we have enough people on pit crew/props. Hope this makes sense.


    Also, if your group makes finals, an entirely new set of passes is distributed, so you do it all over again.

  8. I’m speechless about one judge and RR uniforms. I’m not sure what to say, there are plenty of unconventional uniforms on the field and RR has some of the most traditional looking uniforms on the field that look amazing and are absolutely appropriate for viewing marching. I don’t have a kid at RR but I talk a lot to RR parents. They’re always gracious and talkative-heck I’ve done the full Go Rock Band chant with them just because why not? We always end up talking uniforms because RR has one of the most recognizable designs. If UIL is the great equalizer it’s up to that judge to judge marching in what they’re wearing. Scores are scores but uniform opinion going into the score at UIL, it’s wrong in every way.

  9. Very interesting to see where everyone is stacked up. I’m thinking Broken Arrow may not be in a medal position right now. Blue Springs absolutely is, and I’m thinking they may take a solid good one tonight.


    Congratulations Prosper!


    Jenks! Yes! Not surprised at that one bit. They are absolutely the real deal of performers and they march like gold, love how clean they are!!


    Marian, well I’m not surprised and yet somehow I am.


    Happy finals and gold luck to our Texas band Prosper!

  10. I don’t mean this badly because there have been some very good bands on, but there is a distinct lack of depth overshadowed by a couple of dominating bands and I’m certain quite a few Texas programs would be very successful here, not only the larger 6A but some 5A come to mind. This takes nothing away from the kids who perform. But SA and State were so absolutely spectacular I admit to being underwhelmed.

  11. Having seen BA, Carmel and Tarpon all next to each other I’m still going to put BA on top. That show just gives you all the feels that America is. Tarpons screens going out WILL hurt their scores, that’s just what happens when an integral part of effect doesn’t work. Tarpon has a good show, don’t get me wrong but I don’t think a win is in the cards for them tonight.

    I would agree at least at this point. The screens are definitely part of the show, and it’s just kinda lost without them. It seemed a rougher run, and perhaps the screens not working was a distraction to the live audience also. BA does a good job, I like the show, it doesn’t feel as creative as Tarpon, but they do a great job, the show is solid and the audience always loves it. I’m not really into Carmel’s show this year, but the ending is amazing and I’m not an expert on GN and not sure what they’re looking for exactly.

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