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shows you would like to see, and maybe have...im no expert

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id like to see one concentrated around the music of Bob Dylan, I think the idea of using Bob Dylan as subject outside of pop music has been legitimized already for several years. in regards to serious high school marching programs, I think the use of pop music can or has been seen as walking a thin line.


i would also like to see one with a Godzilla theme, I have always thought that would be fun. the main theme lends itself to big shows.

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i wanna see a show where the band turns off all the stadium lights (that illuminate the field),

the uniforms/guard outfits have neon/led glowing lights,

and they shoot fireworks.


ps: and when the drum taps the band off the field,

a giant smoke screen appears completely hiding the entire band,

and when the smoke fades away, the band has disappeared.

pps: and there is no pit, the band has modified carriers that

hold up marimbas and vibes that march with the rest of the band.

Edited by AverageMarcher
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Some day i'm gonna' write an 8 part show of the Between the Buried and Me cd "Colors".



IT's gonna' be epic because the students from 8 years prior are gonna' come back to watch on that last year and be like... i started this. Wassup.



and the music just flat out owns children/babies.


An 8 year series? Don't you think it may get boring after about three? Granted I love BTBAM, and Colors, but that may be excessive. Although if I took any BTBAM song and put it on the field, it would be "Selkies: The Endless Obsession" from the Alaska album.


Although, I have imagined what the bluegrass breakdown in Ants of Sky would look like on the field too :P

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An 8 year series? Don't you think it may get boring after about three? Granted I love BTBAM, and Colors, but that may be excessive. Although if I took any BTBAM song and put it on the field, it would be "Selkies: The Endless Obsession" from the Alaska album.


Although, I have imagined what the bluegrass breakdown in Ants of Sky would look like on the field too :P


See i thought that at first... but then i was like... wait... there's a point where a band gets so great that people don't care how long it is. I'm hoping to get that effect. But Selkies is a good fallback. lol

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I would love to see somebody other than a HBSC band try this. The closest though might be some of those in Atlanta. <_<




"L.D. Bell's musical selections include the music of Lil Wayne, featuring 'Lollipop concerto opus 14'........"




*disclaimer: I have nothing but the utmost respect for L.D. Bell Marching band. Their name was used strictly for the LAWLZ

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I'd love to see

......on the field.


I can see it in my mind.....3:40 half-time build in the brass and then snapping to a double-time block drill at 3:49 with snap quick direction changes that correspond to the stutter in each phrase change.


Cuts would be beginning to 2:04....then cut to 3:38 to finish it off. 2 minutes and 45 seconds.....Perfect length. Someone make it happen, lol.

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See i thought that at first... but then i was like... wait... there's a point where a band gets so great that people don't care how long it is. I'm hoping to get that effect. But Selkies is a good fallback. lol


I will probably use Selkies in a future show of mine, but not the entire thing. I will probably also use Viridian as a ballad, with a nice euphonium solo in there.

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hahha dude these are awesome ideas.

BTBAM is pretty nice, and Dream Theater too.


i put some thought into it, and i thought of a good Mars Volta set-up:


Opener: Day of the Baphomets (have the bass up in the pit playing, with the guitar checks charted to the brass, and have the band be doing a tribal dance on the field in unison, then the huge hit)

idk bout the ballad.

Closer: Eriatarka (nuff said, this song is epic, and if done right could easily be an amazing closer)



and Selkies would make an intense show too.

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Baphomets doesn't seems like much of an opener to me.....It's really chaotic, and thick and.....I don't know, I just don't hear it.


Eriatarka works as a closer though.....it's fast and the sporadic tempo changes would make quite the exciting closer......and that in your face chorus would sound great scored for brass.

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hahha dude these are awesome ideas.

BTBAM is pretty nice, and Dream Theater too.


i put some thought into it, and i thought of a good Mars Volta set-up:


Opener: Day of the Baphomets (have the bass up in the pit playing, with the guitar checks charted to the brass, and have the band be doing a tribal dance on the field in unison, then the huge hit)

idk bout the ballad.

Closer: Eriatarka (nuff said, this song is epic, and if done right could easily be an amazing closer)



and Selkies would make an intense show too.


You could use Televators as the ballad. And if you wanted, you could probably roll Son et Lumiere into that opener.


I've personally always wanted to see someone do a rendition of "A Tale of Two Cities" on the field, if for no other reason than to have such different styles of music on the field together (Debussy and Berlioz countered with Elgar and Lloyd Webber, anyone?).

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i was just thinkin of the first two or so minutes of baphomets.


has anyone ever done any shows based on rock music?

like forreals shows, not spirit shows or anything.


hmm.....Does Westfield 2007 ("One" by Metallica) count?



And what about that Carmel (Indiana) show (2005 or 2006?) where they've got that electric guitar dude jamming out to "Iron Man"

Edited by takigan
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Another interesting idea I came up with...anyone done Don Quixote for a show before? There have been several musical interpretations of it (Nabakov wrote the music for a ballet of it, Strauss has an interpretation of it, etc.)...you have some interesting visual possibilities for it (double swing flags in the guard windmill-style, anyone?). And it makes perfect sense for one of the lower bands in 5A Area B (see: my school) to do, just because for a fair amount of us, making it into the state spots is "The Impossible Dream"...much like Quixote's quest to become a knight.

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hmm.....Does Westfield 2007 ("One" by Metallica) count?



And what about that Carmel (Indiana) show (2005 or 2006?) where they've got that electric guitar dude jamming out to "Iron Man"


I think that was 2002.

They did 'Metal'.


I have to say that is to this day my favorite Carmel show. Although, lol, the guitarist was nerdy looking so the whole rocker look didn't work so well.

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I would like to see Cage's 4'33 in its entirety followed my Barber's Medea.

During the show act out the story behind Medea.


Show entitled: Dance of Vengence



Hopefully your joking about that. I'm sorry but 4'33 is the dumbest concept of a song I've ever heard. The fact that he made money off of that is ridiculous

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