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Does anyone actually enjoy band...?

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I realize that if you are still in band, you enjoy it to some extent. But are there bands out there that actually like being there, and have any fun at all during rehearsal. I know that in my old band, there was always the reluctance to going to after school rehearsal, but I know that I actually could say there were times that I had fun. I actually enjoyed some parts of band. And that is why I joined... anyone else have anything to say about anything fun the bands do during a rehearsal...? Like... any lax point at all... any time where the director isn't being a total Nazi about everything...?

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I love marching band. Even though sometimes I hate how the rehearsals go - because of how the directors are acting, or the band, or the weather, or whatever - I love it. I have such a passion for it, and I will be very sad whenever I march my last show...


Concert season, on the other hand...haha I hate with a passion. I find it EXTREMELY boring. Marching band you get to do all this awesome stuff and with all this energy, and I just feel like with concert season there's nothing like that. *shrugs*

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Concert band is VERY BORING i really dont like we got 2 bands symphonic and concert. symphonic is the top band anywho so ya i usually make symphonic and it actually really sucks all we do is work on music which isnt hard for my section, then we do sight reading which our director gives us RIDICULOUSLY hard music i swear it has like 3409834 key changes and 5884 time changes with weird rythms then gets pissed off at us saying we're gonna get 2s and 3s. then it turns out that the stuff we actually sight read is so much easyier. so ya thats purdy much our whole concert season

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I really enjoy band. The practice is tiring, but the football games and contests are so worth it. The people in my band make it so worthwhile.


Also I absolutely love concert season. During marching season I play the tenor sax, but I get to play my oboe for concert season and I love it so much. Plus, by the time concert season starts, I'm usually pretty fed up with not having any free time due to marching band.

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marching band is really the only reason i go to school (besides friends). i absolutely love going to contests and football games! sometimes the rehearsals are really frustrating but the contests and games make it all worth it.


concert season the past two years has been A LOT of fun because i've been in 2nd band and thats the fun one. we're good enough to play cool music and relaxed enough to have some laughs along the way. ^_^

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Band is for sure hard work, and only band people can apperciate the hard work we all do (football players, and like other sports people think we dont do much, all we do is walk around. We all know this is not true). During all the practices we (i know i do sometimes) dont want to be there, and i hate it. But its the outcome of all the hard work that i love, and that most of us love, and enjoy. :wub: I was thinking about quiting and not doing band my senior year, but its things like the people, and the competitions and stuff that i would miss toooooooo much. ^_^

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I cant say i enjoy marching season much cause i have a back injury so carrying a 15 pound T sax is not fun. Plus the fact that i dont Actually play sax. Concert season is awesome though cause i get to go back to my bassoon. Our music the last 2 years has been awesome too so that helps.


If you've never played Aegean Festival Overature than ur missing out.

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If you constantly think about everything your directors tell you, and try to apply all the concepts that will make you better, and hold yourself to a standard of excellence, band should never be boring.

So true.


I had a moment like that today. I was all engaged in the rehearsal for some reason, and had a lot of energy, and it went by so much faster than usual. Also, today is the best that I've played french horn since before I did drum corps for the summer. The two are probably related.

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