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Everything posted by LordGiggles

  1. I have been let down by alot of Will Ferrel movies. Old School was good, but since that it kind of went down hill. Anchorman had a lot of potential, and it was good, but not as good as it could have been in my opinion.
  2. Alot of people like Gladiator, So i'm gonna change the poll.
  3. YES!!! TUAN LE WON!! He was my pick to win. It was a tough call between him and Phil Ivey, but Ivey went out sixth. If Ivey get's better luck, it would be fair game between them.
  4. World Poker Tour Final Table = Tonight, 8/7 Central on the Travel Channel. I want to be able to work my way into making some money on Omaha Hi-Low, but for now Hold'em is good enough.
  5. Snake probably, followed by Pacman, Tetris, Collapse, and Ultimate Billiards.
  6. Yeah, I think that is a good idea. For a tournament, My idea would make it more like a contest with rounds. I don't know how the Tournament function would work, but we can do something like this for example. Let's assume 20 people enter, and we'd do it for I-i. We'd have one eliminating round, where the top ten best scores stay.And then a second round where the top 5 stay.. And so on until the top two. If we do it this way, It gives people more chances instead of just saying, alright, whoever has the best score wins, which is pretty much how the Highscore feature goes.
  7. What are your guys favorite TV shows? Mine is probably the World Poker Tour on the travel channel, I don't watch TV that much though. Other than that, when the time comes, probably the World Series of Poker ( And reruns )
  8. Alright, I've finished adding requests to the poll. I know there are probably alot of really good soundtracks, i just put the most popular.
  9. I'm not sure that "fad" is the best way to approach it, the World Series has been going on since 1970.
  10. If you'd like to, Texas Bands is home to everyone.
  11. I think the order of how good the books were is actually in Chronological order. 1)Hobbit 2)Fellowship 3)Towers 4)King I loved the Hobbit and enjoyed Fellowship much more than The Two Towers and Return of the King, though they were all great. I just thought that, whenever we went with Aragorn and Gimli and Legolas and the others, the books were kind of dull, but Frodo and Sam's adventures were good.
  12. Yeah, I also like the darkness of the Episode III soundtrack though, alot of the songs really portray Anakin's fall, like Anakin's Dark Deeds. But of course, I like the new theme, Battle of the Heroes, it really is phenominal on William's part, for portraying the epic duel between two brothers.
  13. I liked alot of Matrix Revolutions, but the ending wasn't as i should say.. Resolved. There is still room to finish, and it can possibly lead to a fourth and final movie.
  14. It's ok, I just wanted to point that out. No hard feelings. Though even though he killed all of the Separatists and the Jedi, Vader still did alot for the emperor once he was suited. Even though he was weak compared to a Jedi of the old republic, at that time he was the strongest guy around next to Sidious. Vader was used and put on many exploits that made him get the feared reputation he has. And as a leader of the Imperial Navy, im sure Vader had some great victories against the Rebellion and did alot of bad things in the Extended Universe in StarWars.
  15. This is for any Lord of the Rings discussion, enjoy! Which is your favorite movie? Mine is probably the Two Towers. I didn't put Hobbit up because they haven't really made a new version of a very old movie, so im just sticking to the Trilogy.
  16. How'd you guys like this excellent and tasteful trilogy? I enjoyed alot of the effects they put in, even though toward the end some of them got old, and loved the story of the chosen one, especially how in the past, Neo never saved Zion, but this time he did. I liked Reloaded the best. Thoughts?
  17. Yeah, online usually gives you the cheapest prices, but when comparing Best Buy with Fry's, Fry's usually has a better buy from what I see.
  18. Yeah, he actually was kinda sorta decent.
  19. Not a problem for you then is it?
  20. Glad I could help. If it's not easy to run a wire from the room with the other computer to their computer your at, you should just ask to move the entire set up to your computer, and then connect yourself to the router or something. ( if your using 56k, then i assume you use dial up, and then if so, i don't know if you have an internet box to connect to, if you do though, connect to that , my description is really just on the Cable/DSL point of view)
  21. What me and my dad did was since the connection was so bad, we ran a wire from the cable box all the way to my room, and the directly connected my computer to the cable box, with the router still broadcasting from my room. Therefor, since I'm the only one who really needed the stable connection, because of things like AIM and Online games, i recieved it, and then everyone else stayed normal, because they just use Internet Explorer. Though with Cable, load time doesn't become a problem, just really when using Online activites, a consistent connection. Sorry if that didn't make sense at all.
  22. Your probably thinking of StarCraft Ghost, which is just an RPG where you play as a ghost agent named Nova. Rumor about it started probably in 2001-2002 somewhere, but still no luck. This year was its claimed release year though. I haven't heard the rumor about StarCraft2, all i know is it's just going be new, but of the same format and what not. If it is an RPG, I hope they make it like Battlefield or something, but allowing alot more people to join. Therefor you can actually reinact what you do in the game, but from the first person point of view.
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