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Everything posted by LordGiggles

  1. Haha yeah, though i want to be the guy out on the field who is gonna play high C's above everyone else. For now im just content with my saxophone though.
  2. Hey greetings, i hope you have a great time at Texas Bands.
  3. I wouldn't waste my children on that.. probably the World Championship is a better bet.
  4. I'm also fond of Classical and Jazz, but im pretty sure anyone who visits this thread will have those two under their belts. This was just for other more popular music.
  5. Yeah, If i ever tried to learn a brass instrument for Corps, it would be Trumpet. I am really fond of the Horn/Mellphone and Euphonium sounds though. I was mainly thinking of the instruments in general though, not necassarily for marching.
  6. I really enjoyed the 1995 Cavaliers show.
  7. My school will charter us over there at the beginning of the competition, and then we'll leave at the end of the day. It'll be grand.
  8. It was originally suppose to be some interpretation of a Star Wars battle, but it instead turned into some dance that you would see in Zelda.
  9. So a good portion of it is actually Bruce Wayne growing up and developing his skills, and dawning the mask, right?
  10. Batman begins looks like its pretty good. I'm probably gonna go see it soon, anyone see it already though?
  11. That's awesome, i might be seeing this stuff later so im really excited.
  12. Alright, sounds like a plan.
  13. I composed a masterpiece named The Flight that i am trying to find on my other computer. When i find it and transfer it here, thoughs who would love to listen, i'd would love to post it.
  14. It's probably better to wait for it to come out on DVD. Alot of summer movies are gonna eat up my popcorn money.
  15. A very old game, you can't find many games like that anymore. Really nice RPG mission game, where you played as Dash Render. Good plot too, can't find anything like that anymore without being really ****ty and overhyped. The next best type of game like that in the Star Wars Universe is Star Wars Bounty Hunter. It stars Jango Fett, between Episodes I-II, and explains how he meets Count Dookue, and becomes the Host for the clones, through this great bounty he has to hunt down. Pretty much, Count Dooku sends out an invitation to the greatest bounty hunters in the universe to hunt down his dark deranged pupil, Komari Vosa, who is the leader of this brain-washing cult named the Bando Gora, who are very cryptic and secretive, very evil creatures, kind of like zombies from Dawn of the Dead.
  16. Thats awesome, very nice, a cool treat to hang in your room.
  17. There is a game of Shadows of the Empire however. It would be kind of hard to intertwine that with the movies, since it takes place during that time. And also, movies on games are alot harder to make, since there is alot of isolation, and it gets pretty boring. But it could be exploring/sneaking/Indiana Jones style. But is that really how Star Wars is? There is some sneaking around, but maybe for about a few seconds.
  18. Nah, no Space-fighting for the Rebellion, just merely the starts. I agree about Space-fighting in that there should be more, we were basically pitched in a few gunshots and then they are on the Invisible Hand. There should have been some more Space-Fighter action before Anakin and Obiwan were on the ship, or action without Anakin and Obiwan. Fighting Buzz Droids is nothing like taking down Star Destroyers. Again, this could be a deleted scene. Don't forget, Lucas is in the process of making a TV Series to connect the time between Episodes III- IV. Don't expect to see lot's of Obi-Wan or Yoda though, they are in hiding. It will be the roots of the Rebellion, and it could star the young Boba Fett.
  19. This is a thread to discuss alot of your favorite and popular bands. Mine are Metallica, System of a Down, Tool, Slayer, Lamb of God, Pantera, Nile, Iron Maiden, Dimmu Borgir. Then i like some Rap like 50 cent and Snoop.
  20. Yeah, they took out a scene on the asteroid base where Qui-Gon contacts Yoda and informs him of becoming one with the force and sustaining a physical ghost form. That's why Yoda mentions this, he's not just pulling it out of his ****. However, Lucas likes to edit the **** out of his movies, and this was one of the tragedies. Another scene i am looking forward to is the start of the Rebellion, and alot of the Delegation of 2000 meetings ( the small group that started the rebellion ) led by Padme and Bail Organa to discuss Palpatine's affairs. The extended Battle of Kashyyyk may not be in there, Lucas hasn't put many battles on his DVD's. Though there may be some extended footage on some sequences, like Anakin's extended Podrace on the Episode I DVD. Mainly i'm talking about an extended Jedi slaughtering scene, showing Anakin killing many Jedi and Jedi Masters, such as Shaak Ti. Though, there is money. He's not gonna put everything on this DVD, it will sell just the same. Then he's gonna release the 6 DVD set and everything, make more money, and then one huge bonus DVD containing more unknown footage. It's all a scheme, those deleted scenes aren't the only deleted scenes.
  21. My choices for Brass would be Trumpet, Horn/Mellophone, or Euphonium if i ever got the chance.
  22. There is a rumor that there will be an extended Battle of Kashyyyk scene in the DVD being released around or before Christmas time. This footage is rumored to include an assault led by Chewbacca and Yoda ( together )
  23. Revenge of the Sith is amazing.. hard to compare to Empire Strikes Back. That's truelly a marvelous classic.
  24. Yeah i am looking forward to them making a StarCraft 2, but for now, Brood War is enough.
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