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Found 9 results

  1. Drums Along the Brazos Drumline Contest Saturday, November 5th, 2016 Drums Along the Brazos Website Cougar Stadium - College Station HS - College Station, TX This contest will feature: Renowned Adjudicators in the Percussion Community: Mario Luna; Fine Arts Director - Forney ISD, former Percussion Director - Forney HS Jamey Kollar; Assistant Director of the Spirit of Houston Marching Band University of Houston Carlos Botello; Percussion Director at Naamn Forest High School, Percussion Instructor - Blue Devils B Drum and Bugle Corps, 2016 DCI Open Class Champion Division and Classification System for 2016: Small School Division (UIL 1A-4A), Large School Division (5A and 6A) Novice and Advanced Classifications in both HS Divisions See website for additional details. * We also have a separate Division for any interested Middle School Drumlines 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place Trophies for placement in all Classifications, Outstanding Section Awards, and a Grand Champion Trophy for highest overall score. Our Goals: 1) Provide a well-run contest that will provide a great experience for all involved. 2) Provide a cost effective contest opportunity for your Percussion Section in this part of Texas. 3) Provide excellent feedback from our Judges at the end of your Marching Season to help you transition into your next activity. 4) Promote overall Support and Awareness of the Outdoor Percussion and Marching Band Activity. Send me an email to let me know if you are interested or just have more questions. You can also register for the contest online at our website. Contest Entry Fee: $175 if entered by the October 14th Deadline. After October 14th, Entry Fee will be $200 and accepted based on time slot availability. Thank you! Jon Seale Percussion Director/Assistant Band Director College Station HS 979-731-6751 JSeale@csisd.org Eric Eaks Director of Bands College Station HS 979-731-6750 EEaks@csisd.org
  2. Who do you think are the top drumlines in Texas? I'm gonna say Keller, Flowermound, Marcus and maybe Hebron. Thoughts?
  3. At the San Antonio Convention Center, Friday, Nov. 13. This is a drumline competition, of course. High School Standstill Division 10:10 a.m. Katy High School (TX) 10:20 a.m. Seven Lakes High School (TX) 10:30 a.m. Mansfield High School (TX) 10:40 a.m. Canyon High School (TX) 10:50 a.m. Carlton J. Kell High School (GA) 11:00 a.m. Coppell High School (TX) 11:10 a.m. Louis D. Brandeis High School (TX) 11:20 a.m. Crowley High School (TX) 11:30 a.m. Harlandale High School (TX) 11:40 a.m. Richland High School (TX) 11:50 a.m. Earl Warren High School (TX) 12:00 p.m. Cypress Falls High School (TX) 12:10 p.m. Springtown High School (TX) 12:20 p.m. William Howard Taft High School (TX) High School Marching Division 12:40 p.m. Flower Mound High School (TX) 12:50 p.m. Coronado High School (TX) 1:00 p.m. Marcus High School (TX) 1:10 p.m. Winston Churchill High School (TX) 1:20 p.m. Denton High School (TX) 2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.: Awards
  4. Drums Along the Brazos Drumline Contest Saturday, November 8th, 2014 Drums Along the Brazos Website Cougar Stadium, College Station HS This contest will feature: Renowned Adjudicators in the Percussion Community: Cliff Croomes; Head Director Georgetown HS Michael Crawford; Percussion Director in Frisco ISD, Drumline Instructor at Baylor University Eric Carraway; former Percussion Director at Taft and Akins High Schools *New Division and Classification System for 2014* Small School Division (UIL 1A-4A), Large School Division (5A and 6A) Novice and Advanced Classifications in both Divisions See website for additional details. We have also opened a separate Division for any interested Middle School Drumlines 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place Trophies for placement in all Classifications, Outstanding Section Awards, and a Grand Champion Trophy for highest overall score. Our Goals are to: 1) Provide a well-run contest that will provide a great experience for all involved. 2) Provide a cost effective contest opportunity for your Percussion Section in this part of Texas. 3) Provide excellent feedback from our Judges at the end of your Marching Season to help you transition into your next activity. Send me an email to let me know if you are interested or just have more questions. You can also register for the contest online at our website. Thank you! Jon Seale Percussion Director College Station HS 979-731-6751 JSeale@csisd.org Eric Eaks Director of Bands College Station HS 979-731-6750 EEaks@csisd.org
  5. It's coming up in thirteen days, so I wanted to bring it up- what are you thinking is going to happen up at Marcus? Predictions, opinions, anything. Here is the preliminary schedule for the competition- http://portal.marcuspercussion.com/portal/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=Bze2KEQgJ4s%3d&tabid=110 Here are the judges (quality, as usual)- http://portal.marcuspercussion.com/portal/LoneStar/LoneStarJudges/tabid/98/Default.aspx Let the discussion begin! I know that standstill silver 1 should be interesting, with defending champion Round Rock gone for BOA, defending Red 1 champion John Horn moving up to Silver 1, and a lot of the Area D powerhouses attending this year.
  6. This is a thread for all of the percussion freaks! This will be a discussion about all drumlines in Texas and what you think about them. What is YOUR favorite drum book? Show? What was the hardest, fastest, and coolest show/book you have seen? Your favorite line in Texas? Your favorite section? Your favorite section from a certain school? Your favorite uniform (sorry, I had to )? Your favorite everything! Do not limit yourself to this year, go as far back as you want!
  7. There are some exciting new activities and events coming out of DCI this summer, one of those being Drumline Battle. We are lucky enough to have 2 of those events in Texas this summer! The Dallas event will be on the Southlake Town Square, June 16th. Check out the event page for more info. http://www.crossmen.org/drumlinebattle
  8. Crossmen in association with DCI & DrumlineBattle are calling on all high school, college, independent, and entertainment groups. There will be two DrumlineBattles in Texas. One in San Antonio, and one in the Dallas area. The winner of the two will compete in a virtual competition against each other. Cash Prizes as well trophies will be given to the winners of each Drumline Battle. This is a great way to get your school or organization's drumline to get together and bond before your first summer practices and band camps. Sign your line up today at Crossmen.org/drumlinebattle Battles consist of 2 - 2 minute segments by a participating group in a tournament style bracket.
  9. Hi All, We are hosting the Inaugural College Station HS Drumline Contest: Drums Along the Brazos Drumline Contest Saturday, November 9th, 2013 Drums Along the Brazos Website Cougar Stadium, College Station HS Entry Deadline is coming soon: October 18th. This contest will feature: Renowned Adjudicators in the Percussion Community: George Garza, Percussion Director Sandra Day O'Connor HS Cliff Croomes, Head Director Georgetown HS Michael Crawford, Adjunct Instructor of Percussion Tarleton State University Awards for placement in all classifications and section awards. Classifications based on Battery and Ensemble sizes. See website for details. Our Goals are to: 1) Provide a well-run contest that will provide a great experience for all involved. 2) Provide a cost effective contest opportunity for your Percussion Section in this part of Texas. 3) Provide excellent feedback from our Judges at the end of your Marching Season to help you transition into your next activity. Please contact me soon if you are interested or just have more questions. Thank you! Jon Seale Percussion Director College Station HS 979-731-6751 jseale@csisd.org
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