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Everything posted by Skippy

  1. **Edited by Dynasty** (Someone is having some technology issues, and isn't being rational )
  2. Velvet Knights videos were the only thing I could get my little brother to watch.
  3. Why doesn't it say "collapse champion" above your name?
  4. No, I wasn't kidding. I'm not insulting you as a person though, I'm insulting Gwen Stefani.
  5. Just curious... how much better seating did you get this late in the year?
  6. Greetings from Bands of America! We have a wonderful opportunity for all of my friends down in the great state of Texas. Bands of America and the Cavaliers Drum and Bugle Corps are proud to present the BOA/Cavaliers San Antonio Experience from July 21st to July 23rd. This is an outstanding opportunity to learn from the teaching staff for the Cavaliers, Carmel High School, and this very proud former Texas band director, as well as getting the opportunity to perform a portion of the Cavaliers 2005 show with the corps at the DCI Southwestern Championships! The BOA/Cavaliers San Antonio Experience costs $98 per student. The event is open to all woodwind and brass players. Sorry percussion, guard, and dancers.... For that price, each student will get: Instruction from an outstanding team of teachers One ticket to the DCI Southwestern Championship Lunch and Dinner on Friday, July 22nd T Shirt The opportunity to hang out and perform with the DCI World Champs! We are finalizing rehearsal details, but all rehearsals will take place in the San Antonio area. The band will spend Saturday morning rehearsing with the Cavies in the Alamodome, watching the DCI show, and performing with the corps in exhibition following Finals. More information, as well as online registration is available on the BOA website. We already have band members from LD Bell, Ronald Reagan, Bowie, and SFA signed up for the event. What an opportunity for students from so many great Texas bands to come together to get to know each other and make some great music with an incredible drum and bugle corps. I hope all of you are enjoying a restful summer and I can't wait to see you at the BOA/Cavaliers San Antonio Experience and the Bands of America Regional Championships this fall. Take Care, Dean Westman Educational Director Bands of America, Inc.
  7. The Matrix (tasty wheat?)
  8. Yeah, you would like that wouldn't you.
  9. Ok, the question was: What year in the DCI Finals did it thunderstorm? The source says in 1972 that "An intense thunderstorm disrupted the finale, sending many fans away without knowing the results". Then in the clarification to Xenon's question, you stated that "No, there was an actual thunderstorm interrupting the finals competition". So, the source you provided says nothing at all about the competition actually being disrupted. Here are my sources supporting rain in 1993. It's from RAMD, so it's reliable. RAMD #1 - (Scroll up to the 2nd entry by pjclarke) RAMD #2 RAMD #3 - (Scroll down to the 8th paragraph of the post) RAMD #4 RAMD #5 I don't know if this is satisfactory enough for you.
  10. Do you think you could give a source for that last answer?' I thought the question was kind of vague... because it rained heavily in several dci finals.
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