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Everything posted by Band_dad_of_2

  1. Same here....I guess I shouldn't be surprised based on the competition in Mansfield a few weeks ago. Ok...I'm sticking with my prediction. Keller Prosper Waxahachie Timber Creek LD Bell Those giving LD Bell a run for their money for the last spotCoppell Haltom
  2. oh, GREAT!! Now we have to decide on Andy's vs. Freddy's!!!! See what you've done?!?!?
  3. I consider them the Keller of this competition.....really the only "lock". It's custard....and who doesn't like custard. Especially when you can add virtually any topping or candy inside of it...…….. Ok...….now I want some Andy's custard...…
  4. Listen, kid....don't listen to anyone here about these predictions. All of this is just a bunch of parents who don't know any better than the guy next to us....it's all speculation. Your band has just as good a chance as any other band out there....the only thing you can control is what you do. Do your best....the judges will decide everything else. No matter what happens....no matter the placement....you should be incredibly proud of your achievements!!
  5. AAAHAHAHAHAA!!! Still Keller.... Rosa’s Panda Express Whataburger Taco Bueno IHOP Cici’s Steak and Shake Andy’s (custard only, by the way!!)
  6. I might do the same thing......it's really good and all-encompassing.
  7. Geeez....I feel like I'm being poked in the chest with this post. No one is saying that Area D isn't difficult or deep. You're not comparing apples to apples. All we're saying is that Area B has more depth as far as bands who could/should qualify for State...not nationally ranked/state ranked bands . There are bands that should qualify for State who won't even advance to finals at Area B's competition. I don't know if that can be said for other areas. The band that has the best chance of winning state of our Area B is Keller, IMO....Area K definitely has more that could win. ***Edit*** "Area D definitely has more that could win."
  8. And don't @ you on that @ opinion, right?!?!? :lol: :lol:
  9. Sorry for the waaayyy off-topic comment.....BACK TO UNDERMINING!!! :lol:
  10. In my opinion, the music for The Incredibles is BY FAR the best of any Pixar movie. That old-school vibe and the screaming trumpets. It's also my favorite Pixar movie so that just adds to it.
  11. Indiana Jones said it best...."I don't know, I'm making this up as I go along". Honestly, I really don't care if you hype your band. But if you're going to bring the hype, you need to be able to take criticism if someone questions it. Remember...it's a discussion board. If you want a "Hype Thread" where no one can say anything about your hype....make one!
  12. They've had an amazing year...a ton of improvement. To me, they basically came out of nowhere...to those closer to the program, their success probably wasn't as much of a surprise. They should be an Area finalist but beyond that? Man.......who knows? Area B results = ice cream headache
  13. I saw a bumper sticker that said "You can't scare me, I have daughters"....it takes a lot more than a hearty marching band discussion to get me riled up. The best thing we can all do it show up on Saturday and support each band. These kids deserve it.
  14. "Why just Haltom?" I answered you're question, too. IMO, Keller is the standard in Area B. I'm sure there are Prosper fans here....I've seen Proper hype (I've hyped them, too) but none have said they would finish ahead of Keller. Timber Creek won a BOA event....I haven't seen anyone from TC say they would finish ahead of Keller. As I've stated earlier, Richland beat Haltom a few weeks ago in Mansfield....no one has said they would beat Keller. In fact, I don't know of any predictions saying they would even advance. On a discussion board, you need to have more than just hype to justify why you think your band is better than them....if not, you'll be called out. My suggestion to you would be to start a "Hype Your Band" thread....no criticism or discussion allowed, just hype.
  15. I have no dog in this hunt...I just know the area and the history of the bands involved. I didn't miss your point....I have no issue with people hyping a program but this is a forum for discussion. If someone is going to come in here and say Haltom will finish 1st in area, above Keller, above Bell, above Prosper, above, Waxahachie, above Duncanville, above Coppell (all State finalists in the last 2 years) after two 5th place results, there will most certainly be a discussion about it.
  16. Calm down? "The lady/man doth protest too much, methinks" My friend...I'm not the one upset because a band isn't getting enough hype. If you care to read my early comments about Haltom, you would see exactly what I was talking about in my last comment. I WAS hyping Haltom because they deserved it based on an incredible 2017. However, I also tempered that with a big dose of "it's been one year of success"....I wanted to see how this year played out before saying they had "taken the next step" to becoming a perennial lock for State. Numbers don't lie....if you look at the 2018 results, Haltom has not done that. If you want to hype them...hype away. If you're upset they are not getting enough hype this season, I can't help you...they have not earned the hype this season. Qualify for state in THIS area and, yes, the hype will be justified.
  17. Downgraded??? Come on.... You won't find a bigger advocate for Haltom than I was earlier this year but there's hype and then there's rational hype....Haltom has finished 5th in two contests this season and there are people placing them in first place in Area B. Calling someone out for that is not "downgrading" Haltom....it's being realistic. Richland beat Haltom at Mansfield....I don't see any "hype" for Richland here. Shouldn't the Richland fans be up-in-arms? Is Richland being disrespected? Of course not....it's realism. I didn't see the shows last night but both made 1s....both are great programs...both should be realistic about the challenges they are about to face in a few days. This will all play out Saturday.
  18. Oh, no.....that's not good. Miss Area B finals at your own risk. You will not find a more entertaining and competitive contest in the State.
  19. My friend!! They have to advance TO State before they they can advance to State finals. We get it...you like Haltom but to just gloss over bands in your own area...good luck with all that! Man....I'm glad this will all be settled next weekend.
  20. Oh, boy.....not quite a "worst case scenario" but that's really close. I was really hoping 6 would advance...not looking good.
  21. My apologies....I try to be educated about a subject before I speak on it and broke my own rule. Instead, I spoke from a position of emotion rather than education. I am much more educated on the subject now.
  22. Let's tap the brake on Haltom....they have a lot of competition that I'd put ahead of them right now.
  23. As a wise man once said, "I prefer clarity over agreement"....I appreciate the clarification. That being said, a $60 mil stadium is the issue....it's the symbol of the issue. As I stated above, why not build a $50 mil stadium and fund the fine arts (and basically every other school organization) for years with the other $10 mil. The same issue was shown on Sunday Night Football...they had aerial shots of a couple of $50/$60 mil stadiums. You're exactly right...the issue is priorities. I assume Allen Band has fees...building a stadium like that and then looking at the band and saying "yeah, you guys still need to pay those $$$$ fees to be in band", it gives the message to students and parents that football is more important than the fine arts.
  24. Heh....no kidding!! There are some bands in the bottom half of the top 12 that could easily advance in virtually any other Area.
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