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Favorite Online Game


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Starcraft. I just got back into it, and I've been playing quite a bit.


Still my favorite real time strategy game of all time. The perfect balance, fast action, yet amazing depth and vareity to the strategy. That's why there's still a ton of people playing it after 7 years.

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Yeah, though it's mixed in with all of Blizzard's scum and filth on Battle.Net. StarCraft would get really good again once they cleaned out alot of the hacks and what not, it would be far more enjoyable then to go into a game to only get booted.


By the way, remember the poll option we have here when making threads.

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Yeah, I agree about the hacks and whatnot. I remember back in the day with Diablo 1. Every one had the exact same hacked armors, had hacked spells. Haha, I did it too.


But starcraft I've just been playing online with some friends, so it's all good clean fun. Speaking of which, I'm open to playing one of yall if you're interested.

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I don't remember Diablo I that well. Mainly played Diablo II and LOD. Though ever since the one day a few years ago in April where the massed banned accounts for duping and whot not, SOJ's became completely worthless, and I have disliked bartering for items instead of having a nice curreny. Though we do have the rune currency, such as 2 Pul = Um, Um = Shako, Etc. Etc. There really isn't a clear defined cut.

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The few times i've played the Matrix Online, I have really enjoyed the game. I like the radio system on there, and me and some friends want to try to set up a radio station for people on there to listen to, to kind of rival the great "Awaken Radio". However, at first there is so much to do and alot of variety, but gaining experience is tough, and alot of the missions get boring. Also, you need tons of memory to play it.

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I'm a really big fan of City of Heroes (CoH). It's a great game. For those who haven't played it: you personally create your own hero and their costume and name and their powers and whatnot. Then you run around and fight bad guys and you can join online teams with people and do missions. As you level up, you choose more powers and you can enhance your other powers. All in all, that probably just sounded really geeky, but its a very fun game.

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