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Best 4A State Marching Contest?

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I don't know why there's suddenly a huge complaint of loud "blaring" music all of a sudden after last night. Yeah, I think the LISD schools were some of the higher volume schools, but I didn't hear any of this blaring? What impressed me the most about these groups is that they were able to play loud and with balance and clarity, which in my opinion is hard to do. Just because something is loud, doesn't mean it's not good?  I don't think these bands won because they were loud, I think they won because they play loud well and are impactful when they do so. Not to mention they countered these big moments with some amazing contrastingly soft and elegant moments (Vandy with their delicate Ballad, CP with those crazy intricate and technical woodwind runs, and VR with their multitude of impressive solis and solos).


And on a personal note...I love loud, in your face music when played well. Those are the moments that remind me why I still love marching band to this day. Those are the moments  that send shivers down your spine and get the adrenaline pumping! But again, these bands didn't do well because they were the loudest, they did well because they played the best...while also playing loud, exciting music.


I love loud music as well, but I also think that it is possible to play past your best sound. Overblowing did occur during some of the performances. Overblowing is not what I would consider balanced music.

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I liked the way Leander schools,played loud, but no crass to it. Instead of playing like a concert band,they played like a real marching band.

To me, as long as they all play classical music they are playing like a concert band.  If we want exciting "loud" shows why not let everyone play contemporary music like college bands do?  For that matter why have winds then? Why not move to a total DCI sound of all brass and percussion?  I am not picking on certain bands when I say "blaring horns" cause everyone does it.  I am a trumpet mom after all. Music doesn't need to be played powerfully loud to be beautiful if the music itself is all ready beautiful. I think any band that got to State has a right to be proud, especially those that got to finals and the top 3.  

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