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All bands have trouble occasionally. But has anything really bad happened this year to you?


As for CP, we had one bad injury. At BOA Arlington, a cymbal player fell and sprained her ankle during our second drumbreak... then proceded to march the entire rest of the show, about 6 1/2 minutes. She had to be carried off the field after we finished, she was in so much pain. I believe she is out for the season.

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We have special uniforms for this year that change color. However some people forget to change color at the right time. So audiences sometimes see a nice sea of yello...."is that red!!!" This should be fixed next rehearsal with them though.


Although sometimes the velcro breaks. It happened at BOA Arlington to a snare. Being the resourceful guy he is, he stuck the flap in his mouth and continued the rest of the way, not missing a color.

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Although sometimes the velcro breaks. It happened at BOA Arlington to a snare. Being the resourceful guy he is, he stuck the flap in his mouth and continued the rest of the way, not missing a color.


those snare players are just the coolest most resourceful guys ever (not that i happen to know a snare drummer and there is no way possible that there is even the slightest chance that i am a snare drummer)

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QUOTE (AverageMarcher @ Oct 10 2008, 07:13 PM)

this year,

we have big 16 foot props made out of wood and particle board,

and the other day, one happened to fall on one of our flute players =[

she ended up with a concussion.

besides that, nothing major.



QUOTE(CPTenor @ Oct 12 2008, 12:51 PM)

dude thats intense.. how does something like that even happen?



My freshman year, Leander had like 8 or 9 foot tall wooden doors and one of them ran into a car and dented it. Anything is possible in band. :]

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My freshman year, Leander had like 8 or 9 foot tall wooden doors and one of them ran into a car and dented it. Anything is possible in band. :]



my freshman year i was steering the timpani cart and some other kid was pushing and we started going fast down a hill and i told the kid to slow us down as i was steering and he didnt so we ran into a car, and dented it, im pretty sure the school payed for the damages because the car was parked in the wrong place

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i was helping pit push a thing in once and i guess the cymbal was super sharp on the edges or something cause a car was parked in front of the ramp and the cymbal barely brushed it and put a 3 foot long scratch on it!


we felt so bad.


sad thing is we didn't tell the lady in the car!



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Not to go too off topic, but since we've shifted towards the subject of cars... Last year during rehearsal in the schools parking lot, some guy, I guess to show off, floored it backing out. He ran right into one of the lamp post and left huge dent on his tail bed. I can just imagine the story "Yeah I ran into a lamp post, but get this...in front of a marching band."

Edited by rpd
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Well to continue this off of topic-ness...

Our band practice field is right next to our parking lot, and our students know not to park on it, but after school we always have kids walk across our field. Does anyone else go through the pains of saying "Can you please get off our field, we're trying to have a rehearsal". And I have almost been in a fight with a kid because he refused to walk around. I am not particularly a person to be in a fight. It's really annoying.


On topic:

We haven't had any injuries so far as I know. And we don't have rediculous props this year. The only thing thats been a "problem" is that we've had many kids sick and a few fail.

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Why do all these stories involve percussion or props? Seems like there should be some wind-related accidents as well...

Oh, actually, I didn't see this happen, but I heard that some euphonium kid accidentally left his instrument in the stands after a football game and forgot about it for some time. Since these were electronic stands that folded up, between the time he left it there and the time he remembered it, it had been flattened lol. I'm sure the school was sure happy about that one...

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Our band practice field is right next to our parking lot, and our students know not to park on it, but after school we always have kids walk across our field. Does anyone else go through the pains of saying "Can you please get off our field, we're trying to have a rehearsal". And I have almost been in a fight with a kid because he refused to walk around. I am not particularly a person to be in a fight. It's really annoying.


This always makes me laugh when this happens.


Especially when Mrs. Wood would yell over the long ranger.


Good times.

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I would totally cry if my flute got crushed in the stands. I don't think I've ever left my flute somewhere. Most accidents for winds happen because stupid people don't watch where they're walking, or running in some cases, and they trample over instruments. My flute has been kicked or stepped on at least 4 time in two weeks this year.

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Why do all these stories involve percussion or props? Seems like there should be some wind-related accidents as well...


Last night was a close call for me actually. A guy in my section ran into my saxophone, and the neck got jammed into my mouth. Luckily there was no bleeding, but there very well could have been.

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Last night was a close call for me actually. A guy in my section ran into my saxophone, and the neck got jammed into my mouth. Luckily there was no bleeding, but there very well could have been.


That's why Bassoons don't march. A bocal in the throat would not be fun.


I heard of an incident recently where somebody fell into a saxophone case.

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