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  1. That makes sense! A full brass sound is definitely important, especially since that contributes to most of the band (compared to the woodwinds).Thanks so much for the feedback; it was really informational and helpful!
  2. Most of the high school kids take private lessons, but it’s not required. It’s pretty varied- some of the middle schools in my area don’t even stress lessons prior to high school, while it’s almost mandatory for others in order to be successful. I agree that must have a huge impact!
  3. The title pretty much says all, but as a senior band student who has just returned from the State Marching Contest, I’ve been thinking about this a lot. My band’s woodwind program was fairly strong, largely due to the fact that we had many talented players. My woodwind director also regularly tested the students on how well they could play technical passages, so in the end I understand it amounts to individual accountability. But the brass, on the other hand, having nowhere near as much technique as the woodwinds, were never held to quite that standard. Obviously, having attacks and releases together, being in tune, playing loud AND good... those are all things a brass section needs to be successful. But how can directors ensure that every student is doing their part? Do other bands test their brass players much like my director did the woodwinds? If anyone is/was a student of one of the top bands, or has any sort of advice/experience, feel free to comment! Coming from a band with not the strongest brass section, I’m just curious as to how directors can efficiently ensure everyone is doing their part.
  4. Like MarchingBandNerd, I'm finally getting to reply to this topic as well: I'd just like to congratulate every band that participated in this competition! The finalist bands were incredible and truly redefined the standard of excellence. What they acheived is no small feat! I can't forget to mention that I feel very fortunate to have been able to witness Avon come down to San Antonio. I'm positive that their appearance this year will affect the level of competition for future years. It was also awesome to watch the top Texas bands; they all had such strong performances that blew my socks off! As for those who did not qualify for finals, I (as a member of one of those groups) can say that it is easy to be discouraged by placement. However, in this year especially, not making finals is not something to be ashamed of. The competition was absolutely stacked this year. Many non-finalist bands had incredible performances, and they all definitely pushed the bigger bands to set the bar higher. I'm looking forward to watching the growth of these bands in the upcoming years. All I can say is- what a competition! I won't be forgetting about it anytime soon. And a huge congratulations to CTJ for taking home the gold!
  5. Cy-Fair originally planned to attend but had a change of plans earlier in the month.
  6. I believe Cy-Fair's show is actually titled "Journey," although the individual movements are labeled "Dreams you Dare to Dream."
  7. Have fun! I completely agree with what everyone else has been saying. You're going to love BOA San Antonio!
  8. It sounds like this competition is going to be stacked this year! I'm excited to see how the Houston bands will make a comeback.
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