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Anecdotes of collapses and droppings

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We could go on and on about that blasted Blue Devils tenor guy, but I want yours.


I'll give what's so far my only fall

It was WGI. One of our practices at some Pearland high school, I forget the name. Anyway, it was at a part of the show where we're marching about 216 bpm (NO JOKE) I had a drill move where I finished off an arc move but I had to go from facing 45 degrees one way to facing straight. I had a lot of trouble with that set.

One day, during another rep of that part, I trip over my foot. Happened all the time to me, but I couldn't recover from this trip. I flung out my ams, held my breath, and ATE IT! I miraculously escape some dastardly injury by some how coming in where the drum shot under me. The back of the carrier flew onto my neck, and I was down good. I missed that whole rep and the one after it.

They tell me I was lucky I had the "pipsqueak" 6lb snares because some guy in the Cadets fell ate it with a 15 lb snare, and the carrier hit him in the throat.


I live to fall another day...

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State '02. Like every band had members eat it in the mud. And man, that taco tuba was ridiculous.



For me, this one rehearsal at Crossmen, I had this one set where I was doing 6 to 5's back and to the left, and then had to push hard stright right. Well, it was on some crappy field in denver that was really muddy, and i ate it in the mud. Since I was in the front, most of the hornline saw me and all started cracking up, and no one could play their horns for the rest of the rep.

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Grand Nats 04 Prelims,


At the beginning of the third movement where we do 6 to 5 strids backward as a brass block i fall flat on my a55...but i bounced somehow up on to my feet. Now we did this move for 8 counts, if i fell on count 6 instead of 8, i would have had a baritone trip over me...

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I've never fallen during a show since I don't march. My instrument, on the other hand...


At this drumline contest we went to my sophonore year, I was wheeling my vibraphone onto the track when the frame just collapses. The BD couldn't fix it, so I had to play on another school's vibes, and when we were done the band parents with us had to half-roll, half-carry the vibes back to the truck so the BD could do some temporary repairs. Then I cried by the timpani because the whole thing just really shook me up.

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ive posted this somewhere else before so ill only give u the highlights



tenor drumer clipped his heels...fell...drum knocked out front 2 top teeth


(in the same football game)


trombone player got hit by a flag on his head




(both marched the rest of the show....trombone player passes out when he got off the field)

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Surprisingly enough, I've never fallen during a performance..only during practices and Friday run-throughs during class! The huge one was last year when we had this huge, backward follow-the-leader set and I tripped over my band director's foot (who was in the way, not me being out or anything) during the set and fell, causing the person ahead of me to fall with me! The worst part was, it was in the front which had been muddy from rain,so I got dirty, too. I also chipped my reed and got laughed at for days!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok so mine's not marching related but definitely band related. We went to Indy to the NCBF and we were walking around backstage going to warm up. So we had to go down these concrete steps and just as I get done telling all the girls to hold up their dresses and be careful so they don't trip or anything my foot hit the next step funny (which was already weird since I was wearing heels) and I ate it so bad down those stairs. I fell face first and somehow I landed on the bottom of the stairs on my back looking up at everyone with this look of horror on their faces. It was funny for a split second until I realized it really hurt because I bruised my shin half way up to my knee and somehow hit my head and I was bleeding above my eye. I later learned that I had one friend try to grab my dress but realized she'd come down with me if that happened and I took out another one of my friend's feet from under her but she just had to jump to regain her balance but almost landed on my hand when she did that. Now I think about it, it's really funny but I wasn't too happy that night. I had to play an entire concert and limp on and off the stage. :D

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I know someone that got tripped by a judge accadently at Grand Nats ^^ and apparently on the tape the judge was talking and he was like "Oh... very nice, good form... Oh ****! Sorry!" He later used the experience to write many a college essay


Also, when my sister was in 10th grade, it was raining and they were doing a practice before a competition and she slipped in the mud and broke her wrist. But she didn't think it was broken, so she got on the bus and went the whole trip and did the competition and everything with a broken wrist. She used electrical tape (we carry it around to tape our gloves to ourselves so they don't slip down) to tape her horn to her hand because she couldn't hold it up. Then she got a black cast to match our uniforms. Now that's dedication. (Also was used to write college essays ^^ )

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so this isn't a falling story, but one time at a UIL regional the straps on one of my cymbals finally gave up and the cymbal fell out of my hand onto the field in the few seconds before we were going to start so the crowd was silent and the dm was just about to begin when you hear "CRASH!!!!" so loud... i was mortified.... the band of course didn't turn, go them, and the dm just waited a nano second so i could pick up the cymbal and move on so it ended up fine... but my pride was seriously injured and as a freshman i was scared to death of what my sec. leader would say when we finished. overall a good learning experience, always tighten your straps...

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I have a new one, and thankfully it wasn't my fault! Just a couple of weeks ago, we were going through our Friday morning run-through and us in the front line (flutes and top clarinets) had a 12-step move that requires us to take big steps. Well, one of the freshmen flutes who happens to march next to me in this set fell hard on the ground and I heard her fall, so I went around her because it took her a minute to get up and my band director's rule of 'run them over' was soo not going to happen. The freshman clarinet on the other side of me, however, didn't know what had happened and she tripped over the flute player, causing a dogpile with those two. Good thing was that nobody was hurt--except for me, who got kicked in the leg!

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My freshman year we (The Holy Trumpet Line.. lol) had a passthrough with the snares and quads, they moved frontfield and we were coming straight back. A set after the passthrough, the snares were in a straight line towards the front of the field, still moving quickly forward. One of the snares did a full flip over his drum, rolled up, got in it, and it looked perfect. I watched the video, he didn't even get behind the line. He lost a stick and hurt his wrist, but THAT was a recovery.


Last night at rehearsal I fell. I have a jazzrun set forward to a jazzrun backwards, on a dime. It rained last week and the field we were on was a wreck. Pretty cool, actually. All the freshmen were like "OOOOOH SENIOR FELL! I haven't even fallen yet!" I gave them the glare and the wicked cackle and said "Oh, you will."

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I've never fallen in performance but...the VERY first day of freshman band camp, we were learning attention position... it had only been like 15 mins into it and we had our horns at set, and I felt like it was unbearably heavy and my legs were really stiff. Right as the director was saying not to lock your knees was when I passed out. I've never locked my knees since!

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So on the very first day of summer band my freshman year, we started off the day inside where the directors introduced themselves, leaders, talked about the show, etc.


So after about an hour it was time to head outside. I had been sitting on my leg the whole time and it fell asleep. The directors were dismissing us in sections and when clarinets stood up to go outside, I fell straight back down onto the floor.


Not very exciting compared to some of the stuff here, but at the moment, it was embarasing, especially since it was the first day of band for me.

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LOL - not my stories.. but good ones nonetheless


both from '03


we were sitting taking pictures for 03 Superregionals (ya know on those side seats of the Alamodome?)

and Westfield was performing - so we were TOTALLY not paying attention to the picture guy... anyways right as we're about to take our picture the show is in the last final sets- and theres a woodwind line on side 1 (left side if your facing) and it jazz runs back, and then forward and holds on the sideline... this clarinet girl is jazz running like 2 or 3 to 5 and TOTALLY EATS IT right in front of the judge, and then like picks herself up intime for the last note

funny, but I bet embarassing


then I was watching the 03 SR dvd...

LD Bell - had a concentric rotating circle jazz run thing while the brass played

and theres this clarinet girl (idk what it is with the clarinet girls lol) in the middle circle again TOTALLY BITES and she fell right between sets, and the next set was like jazz run into a big blob or something, so she was like way out for a good set or two

again funny, but only to the watcher


one more, also '03

me and my friend were watching the SR DVD and its Reagan... and somewhere near the beginning of the show theres a camera close up on the rifles and its some crazy toss like a 5 or a 6 and my friend yells AND DROP like right on cue and this girl totally misses it. lol


no offense if anyone out there is or is aquainted with the aforementionad fallees

like I said - funny to watch, not funny to be

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haha my freshman year I think we were taking our full band pictures, and so we were on some set up bleachers. One of our tubas locked his knees, passed out, fell THROUGH his tuba, and fell off the top of the bleachers onto some concrete.




Then at BOA Houston this passed weekend I almost fell because another guard girl dropped her flag the way I was heading, I slipped on it, and she went under me to get it. Yeah... <_<

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My lovely bass clarinet friend in our Because We Are show, on the SEND OFF performance...we all get into diamonds and start jazz running into one big diamond in twelve counts (SILENT DRILL)...well on about count 8 I see my friend who is two people over from me, fall onto the astro turf, his bass clarinet squeaks across the ground and from no where you hear "OH $#!%" ...did i mention it was SILENT DRILL?!?! yeah then he rolls over and gets up in time for the step off...pretty much one of the best experiences in my entire life.

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This isnt about me but some 1 else in my section...(Tuba)


Its funny we were doing a runtrough on our practice field (parking lot) and he backed into a lamp-post and fell but that is understandable ...


-During the show that night at the game he slipped at the same set in the show we were like theres no lamp post we dont get it , it was funnier if you were there.


-But to his defense its was a slick field and he was taking 6-5 steps at like 180bpm...so yeah lol....good times

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