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Over-rated shows this season


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I'll start out by saying that this is the other half of TX Suh-Nare's thread, "Who was underrated?" Feel free to speak your mind about who you think was over-rated this past season.


My front runner in the game of over-rated shows was The Cadets. I will give them that their horns can play. But all season, all I could hear about was The Cadets' amazing show that everyone has to see. When my friends and I finally got a chance to see it in SA, I was sadly disappointed and somewhat confused. I did not like the music they chose, I absolutely despised the design of the show ("This I believe..."), I didn't think the guard was as strong as they have been in the past, and everything else was just okay for me.

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I agree.

It seemed to me that the design lacked the spark and originality that deserved that much hype.



Haha, I am a biased when it comes to the Cadets.

I find that year to year, much of the drill remains quite similar and there is never anything spectacular to remind me of the show.

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I'll start out by saying that this is the other half of TX Suh-Nare's thread, "Who was underrated?" Feel free to speak your mind about who you think was over-rated this past season.


My front runner in the game of over-rated shows was The Cadets. I will give them that their horns can play. But all season, all I could hear about was The Cadets' amazing show that everyone has to see. When my friends and I finally got a chance to see it in SA, I was sadly disappointed and somewhat confused. I did not like the music they chose, I absolutely despised the design of the show ("This I believe..."), I didn't think the guard was as strong as they have been in the past, and everything else was just okay for me.


Here's my take:


You have to understand - these guys, when actually playing and for the most part, were moving @ 185+ bpm the ENTIRE SHOW. First off JESUS CHRIST!!! that's not easy!! second, I think the show design was brilliant. Instead of 135ish kids huffing and puffing after tearing **** across a football field, we have 135ish kids that can't be heard huffing and puffing b/c of the vocals. It took the audience attention off of the beaten down hornline/drumline, and on to "where in the heck is that voice coming from"?


Now thirdly, give 'em a chance, do you know how frequently corps shows can change? You saw them July 21st in SA, but finals was the second week of August. I mean geez, the corps I marched - we changed our ENTIRE SECOND HALF OF OUR CLOSER between prelims and semis (yeah, div2/3, but still).


And after all that, I still must claim this: I hate vocals. They take away from the show. But the Caddies did a PHENOMONAL JOB in pulling it off... except for the homosexuality of the actual lyrics...


It's funny, next time you watch the show do this: after the narrators complete a sentence, add "because I'm ****" at the end. Hours of sheer entertainment. :lol:

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And after all that, I still must claim this: I hate vocals. They take away from the show. But the Caddies did a PHENOMONAL JOB in pulling it off... except for the homosexuality of the actual lyrics...


It's funny, next time you watch the show do this: after the narrators complete a sentence, add "because I'm ****" at the end. Hours of sheer entertainment.


i hate vocals. but that is a great suggestion. I'll definitely do that the next time I watch their show!

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And after all that, I still must claim this: I hate vocals. They take away from the show. But the Caddies did a PHENOMONAL JOB in pulling it off... except for the homosexuality of the actual lyrics...


It's funny, next time you watch the show do this: after the narrators complete a sentence, add "because I'm ****" at the end. Hours of sheer entertainment. :lol:


Thats a little tasteless don't you think?

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this is a little brutal, but opinions though.

My over-rated shows are Spirit and Boston.


when i think of boston i think of that same lingering preference question that everyone has. "Do I like clean and safe? OR Do I like challenging and risky?"


Spirit was indeed way overated this year. Did anyone catch their hornline in the parking lot? The concept of realeasing notes together doesnt seem to be a part of their brass technique.


Boston I though had a little more gutsy show this year than normal. At least the drill was stepped up significantly. I really enjoyed their show.

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  • 4 weeks later...

All of the top three.


BD: Park and Blow "Are Us" (But GO BATTERY and the essentially perfect Front Ensemble)

Cadets: Uh...

Cavaliers: Okay, so the finals performance wasn't horrible... but the overall playing quality of the hornline and drumline doesn't do justice to a third place finish.


I wouldn't particularly care if they stayed in those spots, so long as they didn't beat other corps by multiple points when there was little to suggest that they deserved such wide margins of victory.


But I WILL admit that they were all at least clean. And the judges thought so too.

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Spirit was indeed way overated this year. Did anyone catch their hornline in the parking lot? The concept of realeasing notes together doesnt seem to be a part of their brass technique.

I rarely check these boards because I'm not from Texas, but I do feel the need to reply to this comment.


I agree with you; Spirit's hornline had issues with attacks and releases this year (there's a reason why we didn't get 12th or above in brass), BUT I would never place the blame on the technique taught by the staff. Chip Crotts wasn't able to be around in '07 as much as he was in '06, and during the season there were points when there was only one brass staff member on tour. I think the releases were an issue of inconsitency by the members. Being consistent is what separates the upper echelon from the lower echelon. I don't think everybody applied the information given to them, therefore resulting in some rough spots were I shudder a bit on the Finals recording (especially a lead trumpet at the end of the 3rd mvt.).


Chip Crotts is a great teacher, and I think the horn line at Phantom Regiment is going to be pleased with him working alongside JD Shaw :D

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I rarely check these boards because I'm not from Texas, but I do feel the need to reply to this comment.


I agree with you; Spirit's hornline had issues with attacks and releases this year (there's a reason why we didn't get 12th or above in brass), BUT I would never place the blame on the technique taught by the staff. Chip Crotts wasn't able to be around in '07 as much as he was in '06, and during the season there were points when there was only one brass staff member on tour. I think the releases were an issue of inconsitency by the members. Being consistent is what separates the upper echelon from the lower echelon. I don't think everybody applied the information given to them, therefore resulting in some rough spots were I shudder a bit on the Finals recording (especially a lead trumpet at the end of the 3rd mvt.).


Chip Crotts is a great teacher, and I think the horn line at Phantom Regiment is going to be pleased with him working alongside JD Shaw :D


And I hear you guys have a wonderful new brass caption head this year. It hasn't been released to the public yet so I can't say who but I imagine hes going to work wonders with hornline this year

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  • 1 month later...

How about PR's brassline. I think they are EXTREMELY over rated. On here, I know some of the people think that because they are loud and use some well placed power chords makes them good... But, their sound is just gross. It is unbalanced, edgy, out of control. Especially there tuba section. I was impressed with the end of this years show where they were playign mfl while jazz running for a good while. but, besides it being loud...it sounded gross. (not to mention there run technique was atrocious.) good thing they have an awesome drumline.

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I remember Allentown....

Blehhhhh. I thought they were doing a show about Digestion. lol. Then to find out it was

"On Air"


Their balance has definitely come in to question. At times, they sound pretty darn awesome. Other times, not so much.

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Their balance has definitely come in to question. At times, they sound pretty darn awesome. Other times, not so much.

Like when they stand still and play songs with huge power chords. or dissonance notes. but, Im not going to lie, they play a mean Amazing Grace and Fire of Eternal glory. It's just when they start moving. Maybe they should just do what the Blue Devils do....


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How about PR's brassline. I think they are EXTREMELY over rated. On here, I know some of the people think that because they are loud and use some well placed power chords makes them good... But, their sound is just gross. It is unbalanced, edgy, out of control. Especially there tuba section. I was impressed with the end of this years show where they were playign mfl while jazz running for a good while. but, besides it being loud...it sounded gross. (not to mention there run technique was atrocious.) good thing they have an awesome drumline.


I have to say i disagree with you for the first time here. I agree that their balance can suck, and so can their sound, but for the most part they sound reasonably good a lot of the time (now weither or not they deserve such high ratings, Meh), But then it may just be that i have a soft spot for any one willing to play that loud.

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I have to say i disagree with you for the first time here. I agree that their balance can suck, and so can their sound, but for the most part they sound reasonably good a lot of the time (now weither or not they deserve such high ratings, Meh), But then it may just be that i have a soft spot for any one willing to play that loud.


They dont play that loud though...

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Quality > Volume


Always and forever.


Michael Bui & BlueBellBrass > TRUMPet



Really? I think they are really Loud! But could you imagine if they all played with a good sound in balance, with (dare i say) Resonance and Tuning? Like I said earlier, when they arc it up, phantom has most people beat. Too bad you can't arc it up on a field for 10 minutes.

Edited by WestCoastCorpsFan
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Michael Bui & BlueBellBrass > TRUMPet



Really? I think they are really Loud! But could you imagine if they all played with a good sound in balance, with (dare i say) Resonance and Tuning? Like I said earlier, when they arc it up, phantom has most people beat. Too bad you can't arc it up on a field for 10 minutes.


Lol. I guess they are louder than most corps. But I can think of 4 or 5 corps last year that were much louder. Including the Blue Stars, but they will never get credit for it because they were in 14th place...I'll go on the record to say Crown was the loudest corps in finals, closely followed by the Cadets and Vanguard.

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Lol. I guess they are louder than most corps. But I can think of 4 or 5 corps last year that were much louder. Including the Blue Stars, but they will never get credit for it because they were in 14th place...I'll go on the record to say Crown was the loudest corps in finals, closely followed by the Cadets and Vanguard.


Crown's brass scores baffles me. They are so good. Cadets, Crown, and Vanguard!!! sound awesome. Im not going to say anything of blue stars, I have never seen a show. I like the uniforms though. Well, Faust, was reallly realllllly loud. Atleast at San Antonio it was. The end of phantoms show was really loud too. but, its possible the other were louder. DVD's dont do corps justice.

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Lol. I guess they are louder than most corps. But I can think of 4 or 5 corps last year that were much louder. Including the Blue Stars, but they will never get credit for it because they were in 14th place...I'll go on the record to say Crown was the loudest corps in finals, closely followed by the Cadets and Vanguard.


How can you know if the corps you were in was one of the loudest? You have to see it from the same perspective as the other ones.

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