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funny audition stories

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So Something always goes wrong with me at region, but this year takes the cake...so i have multiple stories.


First, bassoons were after english horns and oboes, so we waited for 3 1/2 hours before we started. Meanwhile we had to entertain ourselves. I'm not even sure what I was doing, but i ended up taking a chunk of flesh out of my thumb with my other thumb nail. Anyone who knows bassoon, it was the left thumb...the worst finger to do something stupid to. <_< Luckily the pain died down before we went in the room...


After we got in the room, there were only 2 seats next to each other left, so one of the 3 bassoons from our school sat on the floor. When we were passing notes, he couldn't quite reach my desk, so he threw the book and hit my water that holds all my reeds. :o It went EVERYWHERE. One of my pages was completely soaked, but I managed to save the rest. I had to jump up and walk to the back of the room to grab kleenexs, and threw them all over my desk. Luckily for me the sheet that was ruined only had the last line of music on it, and it was a repeat of the beginning, so i was ok.


The last one didn't actually happen to me, but during one kid's audition there was a power shortage or something and all the lights in the room minus the one right above him went off. The air stopped and everything, but he just kept on playing. The a couple seconds later, it came back on. It didn't even phase the kid.


Crazy stuff...how about you?

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Only thing that happened to me was that I kicked the 'on-deck' chair while going to it, hit my butt on one of the auditorium seat armrest things (which really hurt!) and made the stupid mistake of drinking half a bottle of water right before my auditions and had to leave in the middle of the first etude to use the restroom! In my defense, there WERE 87 clarinets trying out and the first etude had a larger cut than the rest...it took us like, 2 or 3 hours for the 1st etude alone!

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This friday, @ region band i was a monitor. So we get this extra serious judging panel, and they're r really pissed before we get in there. So we start the etudes off and we get close to the end of the audtion. In the 3rd to last warmup period some trumpets from different schools start playin crazy stuff, one guy starts blastin with his friend on a Random chord, and the judges get mad.Next 30 sec warmup the westfield trumpets play the fight song really loud and the judge stops the audition and says."Maybe if u guys would spend more time practicing ur etudes they could sound like that." funny

Last 30 sec warmup some guy from the woodlands plays a random jazz snippet, when i say it was funny i mean it. The judges were highly upset.

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I remember last summer when the trumpets were auditioning, while all the directors were behind the panel, they were throwing paper at eachother, stealing mouth pieces, spraying key oil on each other, while someone was playing, they would crawl under his chair and grad his leg.....hahaha, they got in sooooo much trouble after that, all had to reaudition. LMAO

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It's the last etude and we do our final 30 second warm up. This guy who was supposed to go third suddenly gets a nose bleed. So he tells the monitor and leaves. All of us are trying to hold back our laughter because nothing like this ever happens. So he comes back and auditions last. He starts playing and gets about halfway through...and he just cracks up. Then the whole room laughs because they know what it was. So then he just finishes it and leaves.

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Not exactly an audition, but last year at Solo/Ensemble, I forgot all of my music. I usually kept it in the pocket of my case, but I took it out the night before to organize it. About 20 minutes before the performance, I looked for my music and whoops! it wasn't there. I had to play (for you saxophone kids) the Dubois Concerto for my solo by memory and Flight of the Bumblebee for the ensemble. Got ones on both, though. Everyone was like "How the heck did you do it?"

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Tales from trombone auditions at All City:


A certain trombone (school unknown) got up to play, pulled down his pants (he was wearing boxers) and played his etude. He made all city.


The end. :P

hahahaha. YES! That is the spirit of Region Band. [or all city in this case]


man... yes. :lol:


why didn't that happen in any percussion rooms???



hmm. :ph34r:

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There was always this one guy in the Bari room from roosevelt i think? Well anyway he would just distract all of us in the room and just do funny stuff and slap the reed with his tongue when he would audition. haha omg. ok, last year in the alto room there was this one kid. haha, so he would go play and it sounded like a beginner and on the last one (fastest) he went up there sat down, and started playing. well, i think he was going a little bit too fast and got carried away. this kid was like quadruple tounging lol it was soo funny cause it sounded like a machine gun. nonetheless, the whole room was busting out by the time he was done. funniest region audition of my high school career. oh yeah, he got 2nd to last

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yeah the first night of our region auditions i was monitoring & it was SO boring that i started playing a "blinking" game with one of the guys auditioning! but it turned out ok because i ended up talking to him (well on paper because we were still in the room!) & by the end of the night i had his number.... now we talk like every day...


but then the next day at MY audition i found out i had been practicing the wrong etude for our second etude so it sucked... i just went up there, played my scale, & walked away... i felt like such an idiot.....

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We had one kid trying to put his sax away while someone was auditioning. In the process he dropped his mouthpiece condom (protector thingy), and dropped a tuner which broke in two.


I had a really bad cough during auditions, which was distracting.


One girl looked like she was crying while she was playing.




Freshman year, a french horn tried out while wearing a clown suit and wig.

They owned, evidently.

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