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BOA San Antonio FINALS Results

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yea amazing scores i just checked and westfield's score easily made 5th place at indy!!! i was kinda bummed about our placement at SA a couple of the bands that beat us we beat at houston, like klein, i just dont understand, but its cool, marching is over and its time for a new page to unfold...im happy we made it at houston and also did the unprecedented by going up 4 places from prelims to finals, i'd also like to congratulate all the bands that made finals i enjoyed all the bands there and i made my own review on my myspace, maybe ya'll should check it out, lol, dont be mad if some of the reviews suck, lol, cuz i've never done one, but yea congrats and good luck to everyone at state and those goin' to GN!!! YEA!!!!

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What's the whole Westfield deal? I've heard numerous people talk about it, but what happened?

Well apparently westfield recieved a lower score in finals than in prelims, even though many believed the finals performance was the best we've performed [and it was]...apparently the judges didnt think so. ...many of us were and still are confused of what went wrong.

--Though we were'nt exactly expecting to place so low, especially since in the Houston BOA we placed 2nd.

It's all good though.. placement is just a number.. i can say that i had a lot of fun performing, and thats all that matters.



BTW- goodluck to Bell at Grand Nats, you guys definately have plenty of EMOtion.

lol my mouth was literally :o when i was watching the show. Loved it!

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i would just like to say that being from westfield and getting 12th place, it sucks, BUT i am very proud of what we did with the show and i can say that it was our best performance. ALSO i would like to say good luck to ld bell and i know that they will do amazing at grand nats! BRING HOME THE EAGLE! lol, good job to everyone at san antonio and i hope that everyone had a good marching season. GO SENIORS!!

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i think its bs how certain people from bowie just wont keep there mouths closed. i mean first about that thing with georgetown now with bell.


i think the georgetown thing was just plain conceited and the bell thing was just plain outta being dumb and jealous.



yes people are entitled to their own opinion but some of yall are going way to far with the crud you say, even if your entitled you still shouldnt be putting people down that bad

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I loved Churchill's musical selections. I didn't like the way they played it. To me, they didn't sound as good as many of the other finalists bands.

I couldn't hear a great deal of Churchill's music due to the guy whooping and hollering ridiculously at every guard catch. :blink: Anyone else have this problem?

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i think its bs how certain people from bowie just wont keep there mouths closed. i mean first about that thing with georgetown now with bell.


i think the georgetown thing was just plain conceited and the bell thing was just plain outta being dumb and jealous.



yes people are entitled to their own opinion but some of yall are going way to far with the crud you say, even if your entitled you still shouldnt be putting people down that bad

It's possible that some people don't like L.D. Bell's show, and it is their right to voice their opinion, though they should exercise caution on where they voice their it.

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