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The Mavs played like crap.. and the ref's made a lot of bad calls against the Mavs whenever they were on a Run. Grantid, if the Ref's made the correct calls in many cases, I do not think the Mavs may have won, but they may of been atleast in the 90's. Even when the Mavs play bad as a team and Dirk has an off night, they still put up a challenge to the Heat.

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Too bad Dallas has Jason Terry and Josh Howard.


It's not even the fourth quarter, but I came to post this.


GG for the Heat, Dallas has this game. Dwyane Wade isn't invincible.


I'm pretty sure Dallas in 6 now.

How about the Heat in 6. And it wasnt bad officiating--they called the timeout---by the NBA rulebook--they had to give it to them.

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Dude Martin, Shaq is worthless. All he is good for is getting fouled. He shoots free throws extremely poorly, and so everyone plays " hack a shaq " to screw the Heat over. Everyone on the Heat any any east-conference team trash talk and can't back it up, and play dirty. Except Dwyane Wade. Dwyane Wade is the only reason the series is not over yet. Everyone else on the Heat need to step up, except for random bursts, no one does anything consistantly well. And considering Nowitzki has been missing shots and not being the star he is, and Stackhouse was out, that's kind of sad that the Heat struggle so much against a already crippled team. Dallas will win both games at home, no question. Shaq get's screwed under pressure with home court advantage, I can't even wait to see how he is with the series on the line, in Dallas territory. Mav's played great considering Heat fans are shoving around David Hasslehoff signs everywhere. You'll see how quick this turns around after Tuesday.

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Dude Martin, Shaq is worthless. All he is good for is getting fouled. He shoots free throws extremely poorly, and so everyone plays " hack a shaq " to screw the Heat over. Everyone on the Heat any any east-conference team trash talk and can't back it up, and play dirty. Except Dwyane Wade. Dwyane Wade is the only reason the series is not over yet. Everyone else on the Heat need to step up, except for random bursts, no one does anything consistantly well. And considering Nowitzki has been missing shots and not being the star he is, and Stackhouse was out, that's kind of sad that the Heat struggle so much against a already crippled team. Dallas will win both games at home, no question. Shaq get's screwed under pressure with home court advantage, I can't even wait to see how he is with the series on the line, in Dallas territory. Mav's played great considering Heat fans are shoving around David Hasslehoff signs everywhere. You'll see how quick this turns around after Tuesday.

Dude Brian,


If Shaq was (and is) worthless then why did he have 18 points and 12 (the most in the game) rebounds last night? Then by that standard that whoever has worse stats is bad--you have to include Dirk. 20 points and 8 rebounds. Also, when you foul D-Wade a lot (which they did--he broke the record for most free throws in the shot clock era--21) he is going to make them pay for it. Plus did you know he only shot 39% from the field and still scored 43. And dude--series are won and loss by the runs a basketball team. The Heat should have won game one--but the Mavs made a run and pulled ahead. And the Heat consist of other players. Williams is a fantastic jump-shooter. Haslem, Anderson and Mourning are marvelous defenders. Payton and Posey know how to make shots when they count. Then just throw in D-Wade and Shaq, you get a 3-2 lead in the series. Plus I also think that your idea of the Mavs being crippled is completely wrong. This is the NBA Finals--you've proven yourself to be there. You can't use injuries, suspensions, and such as an excuse for losing. You have to lay it all on the line--which the Heat have been doing. Im sticking to my prediction of Heat in 6.

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they are calling fouls left and right on dallas when there are none. last game i didn't want to be a "blah blah blah STUPID OFFICIALS". BUT SERIOUSLY. its the first half and most of there points have been foul oriented. this is stupid. i hope dallas wins. they are playing hard and they deserve it.


"Players win games, coaches lose them, and referees ruin them."


(note: ^that was said after the US vs Italy game)

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"[bleep] you! [bleep] you! Your league is rigged!"



I just think that some Dallas fans are getting aggrevated at the fact that their team is losing and making excuses. They could have won the last game had they made their own free throws. Maybe they should put more emphasis on that instead of criticing the judging--eh?

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hahaha, yeah yeah. good job. you can't get lucky all four games. there IS sooooome talent there. i feel bad for them though that they have to celebrate in dallas. that kind of sucks.


on a side note - the last three point shot. he was fouled. shirt grabin'. oh well, it's over. no need to be all "well blah blah blah <_<".


good job.

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