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Is Having A Girlfriend/Boyfriend Overrated?

Aegis Fang

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I've only been in one highschool relationship, or only one relationship in general. It was a complete disaster, I didn't know what I was doing, and I screwed up too many times where it would be inevitable that it would be a failure. We only went out for about 1 week actively. Most people would say a lot of highschool relationships end up similiar to that. But even if it does, you have to evaluate what you gained and lost from that. For me, I lost nothing. I only gained a ton of experience and a year later looking back on it, I find myself with a wider spectrum of knowledge on the subject, and think it was completely neccasary and worth doing. You have to start somewhere, so why not highschool? Even though I don't believe you should LOOK for a girlfriend, I believe it's neccasary to follow your feelings or instincts and try things out. Most people learn from every relationship and use it to build who they are and who they will become.

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  • 6 months later...
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This topic isn't so old..but I thought it would be good for me to update it.


I'm slowly realizing that I just hate how HS kids handle relationships.

I say this as a single person.


I'd like to get in a relationship and jus have fun.. :) But, let me add.. telling me that he wants to get married to me..and then freaking me out. Kind of ends in a disaster...

and then....

gets half his friends(many of them were mine first) to turn on me...and tell him that I led him on.

And then says he wants to be my best friend and that he never meant anything that happened..


Gosh, how can this boy make up the freaking Drama he caused me these past 3 weeks.. >.>

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Hmm...this is an interesting topic...


From an outside view (seeing as I've never been in ANY kind of relationship) it seems way overrated. I've seen a whole one person that seems to be happy in their relationship, at least in the long run. Those odds make me even less likely to date in high school...


Oh, and I DO NOT agree with "friends w/ benifits"... :angry:

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I was one of the guys that thought relationships were over-rated...


Then last year I got a girlfriend.


Yeah, we had to end it, but in all honesty, I got a lot out of it. One, she's one of my closest friends. Two, I learned how to treat people better. Three, relationships can be humbling experiences.


Just be careful how you approach them. You girl/boyfriend can either be your best friend or your rost enemy when it's all over.

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  • 2 months later...


You're going to have it no matter what.

Although in most cases this is true, I've actually found that it can be avoided in its entirety, as I recently experienced a typically drama-inducing situation without having to deal with any. I've been through drama before, but I honestly think it can be prevented... It all just depends on the maturity of the people involved.


So overall, I feel that pretty much everything truly good about high school relationships (longetivity, selfless love, no drama, etc.) revolves around maturity. Unfortunately, very few high schoolers have the kind of maturity needed to experience these sorts of things, so in general I'd have to say that high school relationships probably are overrated.


Oh, and reviving old topiX FTW!

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Im mixed, if you want to knock yourself out, go ahead, life's short.



At the same time, I strongly wouldnt recommend HS relationships because They dont last


People dont realize that, but not everyone thinks like ole' Marco Polo

Well, well, well, Marco..


I hope your opinion on this has changed considering in the situation you are in right now.




Although in most cases this is true, I've actually found that it can be avoided in its entirety, as I experienced a typically drama-inducing situation without having to deal with any.  I've been through drama before, but I honestly think it can be prevented... It all just depends on the maturity of the people involved.

Well, Zach, teach me your ways of wisdom because my friends just enjoy getting me involved with drama. Like the situation I am now.... UUUGH

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Hmm...this is an interesting topic...


From an outside view (seeing as I've never been in ANY kind of relationship) it seems way overrated.  I've seen a whole one person that seems to be happy in their relationship, at least in the long run.  Those odds make me even less likely to date in high school...


Oh, and I DO NOT agree with "friends w/ benifits"... :angry:

I'm quoting an old post to ask a question...who were you talking about?


And it makes me cringe to think of friends with benefits because thinking of me doing anything with any of my guy friends makes me want to gag...


I don't think a high school relationship is overrated, atleast for me. See, my boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years (will be on Jan 26), but we made sure we were friends first and we both know that if anything happens we will still be good friends. Yes, it is possible to have a guy friend-and just a guy friend-I've had one since 7th grade(who is not my boyfriend...Anna/Nancy knows who I'm talking about). So, as long as both members of the party are mature about things it's fine. It's when you get the kids whose parents were too embarassed to tell them about the birds and the bees, who missed those health/sex-ed days, idolize mtv, etc. that there becomes a problem.


Moral of the story, Be Mature

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well i guess it's how u approach the situation


some people get into relationships because they want to claim someone and make them theirs due to their beauty or popularity


some people get into relationships because they just want to say they have a boyfriend or girlfriend


some people get into relationships to develop a strong relationship with someone that is special and unique and just have a personal relationship


SOME people get into relationships out of pity


the messed up thing about this is is that all these different type of people are mixed up in high school and it's hard to try to find someone who has the same views as you when u get into a relationship. So i mean u can be fully attracted to someone who only wants you for your money...or you could be going with someone who just want to have fun...the maturity level is what determines how long a relationship can last.

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well i guess it's how u approach the situation


some people get into relationships because they want to claim someone and make them theirs due to their beauty or popularity


some people get into relationships because they just want to say they have a boyfriend or girlfriend


some people get into relationships to develop a strong relationship with someone that is special and unique and just have a personal relationship


SOME people get into relationships out of pity


the messed up thing about this is is that all these different type of people are mixed up in high school and it's hard to try to find someone who has the same views as you when u get into a relationship. So i mean u can be fully attracted to someone who only wants you for your money...or you could be going with someone who just want to have fun...the maturity level is what determines how long a relationship can last.

You pretty much summed that up.

But that's the fun of being in relationships because you get to study each different type of person and realize what you want in a relationship. Rarely do people approach a relationship really knowing what the want..


I heck don't know what I'm doing when I get in to it. Who knows how it can end up either..


Life is life, correct?


lov being single cuz all the girls go crazy. but it cool to have a girl cuz sometimes the girls get annoying and think your "leading them on"... girls are wacked. 


Yeah, yeah... We are wacked, but sometimes guys need to draw the line of flirting. Sometimes it can be seen as "leading us on"... Not to forget, girls are the same way...

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