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Found 2 results

  1. I would just like to give a big thanks and all my appreciation to txbands.com, although I only discovered these forums two years ago, and only officially made an account late last year, reading all the posts and forums on here has been one of my favorite pastimes during marching season. I'm not leaving or anything, I just wanted to express my gratitude that a website for marching band lovers, especially Texas bands, exists and is actively used. With all that, I'm so excited for this upcoming marching season and look forwards to all the shows and predictions!
  2. I know this post will be a little long, and it's a little out of place, but I just want to share my thoughts on the War Eagle band. I know a lot of kids from ORHS read this (especially my favorite bass clarinet player, hey dude!!!), and I want them to know how proud I am. They made state for the first time in school history! I'd be lying if I said I didn't get emotional, and even a little jealous. They've come so far, and I'm so excited to see where they go from here. As ORHS alumni, I never got to experience state. Putting our hearts and souls into a show and receiving no reward for it hurt. It really hurt to not hear our name get called, and it hurt even more to hear our band director tell us, through teary eyes, that she is proud no matter what. So I hope that these band kids are reveling in their accomplishment. I hope they are celebrating not only for themselves, but for the classes before them that never got to experience the greatness that they're standing in. I hope as they walk into the Alamodome, they take a minute to let everything sink in; the dream that we desired finally came true. They worked harder than ever before, putting in more time and effort than I ever did, and they stole the show. This is the highest honor that a marching band can ever receive, and they deserve every second of it. Oak Ridge is finally breaking out in the band world because of wonderful kids, wonderful staff, and, of course, an amazing, spectacular, Bright and Beautiful show.
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