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Cole Train

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Everything posted by Cole Train

  1. I think BD is doing a revival of a previous show. jokes: (1931?) 2009 (always risking absurdity?) 2008 (The definition of cool?) 2003 and my personal favorite (through a glass brightly)
  2. I do like the idea of judges on the field, as long as they are only judging technique, not the actual marching itself. I believe that element should be left for the judges in the stands, because a major part of marching band is the point of view. Imagine if you had to watch a bands performance from the side, it would look terrible unless they were in horizontal lines the entire time, which can be fairly boring (I LOVE diagonals) especially from that stands. I also enjoy the ring of Domes, I love listening to the bands in the Alamo Dome because it sounds so great, especially when Marcus has their playing feature in the first minute of their show. As from a playing stand point, it is kind of weird because the echo can easily screw up people who listen to the music for cues instead of watching their drum major. I thought it was a little difficult but it just adds to the fun of the performance.
  3. Brazoswood- I had heard legends from my private lesson teacher about their trumpets, and I didn't exactly believe them until I heard this performance. I also thought that the music was absolutely phenomenal and I loved that they had the very beginning of their song based on New Born by Muse. Berkner- I thought that the piccolo solo went very well with the theme, I also laughed quite a bit when the soprano sax and clarinet came in playing itsy bitsy spider. overall a very great performance. C.T. Johnson- I have been a huge fan of them ever since I saw their show at USSBA state last year, and this only made me like them more. Woodlands- I love Pictures at an Exhibition and I thought their arrangement was awesome. Round Rock- now unfortunately I wasn't able to see their drill for parts of their state performance since I was so low in the stands, but I thought their music was amazing. Marcus- ...Do I really have to explain?
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