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Everything posted by George

  1. They are definitely guard people. How could you have never heard of them? They are legends! I know them all personally and have worked with them on several occasions. I learned everything I know about color guard from this crew.
  2. region 22 results: http://elpasotimes.typepad.com/musicalnote...il-results.html
  3. I'm not sure who this is but you should double check my resume. I did not march in the 2002 or 2003 Cavaliers shows. I'd just like to clarify that nothing was "ripped" from the Frameworks show done by the Cavaliers and though many drill moves obviously fall into the "geometric" style of drill, only a couple of drill moves were influenced by The Cavaliers and the writings of those designers that have taught me. I try very hard to be unique with my designs as well as musical. Many times I am asked by directors to put in specific drill moves (i.e. helix move from last year and the drum solo drill from this year). Sometimes I understand that it may look "ripped" but considering my background and those who have taught and influenced me in my drill designs, it would be a stretch to accuse me of "ripping" anything. And you're right about the "corps style" in the design. The directors asked me to keep the drill moving a lot and make it very similar to what you'd see in a dci type group. I was very pleased with the way the show turned out and I hope everyone had a great time performing it.
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