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Posts posted by LordGiggles

  1. True, a new hope was made to be a stand alone movie, but the point of the prequels were to lead into the original trilogy so that we know how everything came to be, it isn't suppose to conclude till the resolution in Return of the Jedi. However, since the second trilogy was made first, it was unknown if the first would be ever made due to budget at the time of filiming the original Star Wars, so it had to be made to stand alone. That's just my commentary.

  2. So now that Mr. and Mrs. Smith is out, has anyone heard anything? I heard it was really overrated, but there alot of good guns in the movie, from different people. I think im gonna go see it in theatres.


    Also, I heard Madagascar was really boring and the new kind of animation in my opinion wasn't that great, and they should have stuck to Shrek graphics. I'm gonna wait till it comes out on DVD to watch it. Anyone else have an opinion

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