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The Simpsons vs. Family Guy

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The Simpsons take the win in my book any day of the week.


My beef with Family Guy is that they have to use those "just like that time when..." or "you remember what happened last time..." or different things like that to lead into some of their funny stuff. They don't do it ALL the time, I know, but it distracts from the main elements of a story in certain episodes. Like some of the episodes where Peter fights that cursed chicken. Funny stuff...but it goes a little too far. The randomness of the fight is what makes it funny, not so much the extremeness of it.


The Simpsons is for real lovers of satire. There are some jokes in the Simpsons that most "educated" people would not get because you really have to pay attention. The Simpsons is pure genius. The Simpson family is a crude version of the average American family, yet most people do not realize it. Sure, boys are not as mischievious as Bart, men are not as foolish as Homer, and so on and so forth, but they are that way to poke fun at the average American family. Think about it..the story reeks with satire. Mr. Burns...the rich boss that doesn't know his employees' names except for his brown-noser. Marge, the over-protective mother that can sometimes be such a bore. The Flanders family...the family that we love for their goodness, yet despise for their overly religious ways. Principal Skinner...the representation of the education...worried about the trouble makers and forgetful of those willing to learn. The list can keep going on.


So I say yes to the Simpsons :D

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I voted for The Simpsons---here are my reasons:


1) They came out in the mid 80s. Thus giving more exposure to different generations and allowing for more viewership.


2) Family Guy went on hiatus for quite some time. :o Yes--if you can get your hands on the very first episode, you will notice that for its time it was very vulgar. Hence the executive producers and such tried another stab at it this previous year and it worked for them.


3) I personally like how The Simpsons can satirize an event when you least expect it. Like when the view is centered around Homer, you can take your eyes off him and find a sign that says "You are Weird" or something like that. Hands down one of the best comedies ever is the Simpsons.


Although Family Guy is a close second.

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Yes, I know the randomness makes FG funny. I love FG as well, but I guess it just hits too much on the fact that the general American society does not like to have to think to be able to get jokes (Take Napoleon Dynamite for example...stupidest movie EVER by far, yet it was popular with teens because it was "funny"). FG episodes lose their humor after seeing it about twice whereas in the Simpsons you might have to see it at least 2-3 times to get every single joke within, making its humor even better. I just get the feeling FG makers are trying too hard to get people to enjoy it while the Simpsons makers have their own comedic geniuses at work.

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Without the Simpsons Family Guy wouldn't exist in my opnion, though I will not choose between the two.


My beef with Family Guy is that they have to use those "just like that time when..." or "you remember what happened last time..." or different things like that to lead into some of their funny stuff.


That leading has produced some of the funniest stuff on Family guy.

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Have you ever thought of the target audience of both shows?


Family Guy is us, teenagers with relatively short attention spans.


Simpsons is for guys in their thirties who possibly stopped caring about making something out of their lives.


Now King of the Hill is the Simpsons' audience, but in Texas.

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Not sure I quite agree with the whole King of the Hill statement...


The Simpsons is wittier where as King of the Hill has a rather dry sense of humor. Granted, KotH has some funny stuff in it, but I don't feel it can even top the same scale that the Simpsons has.


I will agree with your target audience statement though. Just me personally, when I watch Family Guy, I feel it is like a Nickelodeon cartoon with more graphic content. Don't get me wrong, I love Family Guy and I think it is a great show, but I can't stand so many "teen movies" and "teen cartoons" and such. I feel as if things like those are what makes our country doomed with future generations of teenagers.

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First of all, i don't see this topic as being fair at all


Simpsons has declined, it's undeniable. It's been around too long to still be in it's hayday, not to mention it lost several writers to futurama when that was around (i'm pretty sure they cancelled it).


Family is still relatively new. And just has a different approach to things. Personally, OLD Simpsons vs. Family Guy, it goes to the Simpsons. But i refuse to vote because the question is not about Old Simpsons vs. Family Guy.

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