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  1. I'm not sure how strict the Westlake folks were on the rules, but the LT battery was doing a full-blown warmup in the trailer/bus area well before their scheduled "official" warmup time. I thought it was strange when I saw it, but not sure if there was any penalty as a result of that. They were definitely not announced as a finalist band. Also, major kudos to the Anderson kids. The sky opened up right before they went on so they scampered back into the building. Ten minutes later they came back out and were set on the field....and another major downpour started. So they ran back into the building again. Through all of that, they were extremely focused and professional.
  2. I want to thank any of you who have helped out the Vista Ridge Band. Unfortunately, I need to make another plea. We are trying to finish in the top 96 groups. If we were to win a grant, we would split the funds between scholarships (part of our charter), financial aid (we don't want anyone not to be able to participate due to financial strains) and to repair and refurbish our 8 year old trailer. For folks outside the band community, the trailer seems like a luxury...but you all know that these days, a trailer of some sort is almost a necessity. We are falling in the rankings as we seem to have tapped out the local community. You all are experienced, knowledgeable participants and fans of Texas band programs. I, myself, participated in the State Marching band contest 4 years in a row (back when we had SMC every year) and have been a huge fan of the activity ever since. Twenty plus years later, my kids are in band and are now seeing what makes it such a great event. You all know how much this would help the program. So please, if you have not already, click the link below and throw us a vote. It's only a few clicks of the mouse, but would make a huge difference in the lives of a lot of kids. Thanks... Click to go to Vista Ridge Voting site for Chase Grant
  3. The Vista Ridge Band is participating in this year's Chase Community Giving Program through Facebook and trying to share in $5M in grants. We'd appreciate your help by clicking on the link below, voting for the Vista Ridge Band Boosters and hitting the LIKE button. Any help you can provide us would be greatly appreciated. https://www.facebook.com/ChaseCommunityGivi...=ein|20-0145065 You only need to vote once. If you'd like more information, please visit vrhsband.org. Thanks again and good luck to everyone this year!
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