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  1. I didn't find it so funny when she got out show's name wrong at both prelims AND finals.
  2. Ditto Devon, Mculbert07, and itsstephenyo. Band parents make everything happen off of the marching field. They are some of the most dedicated and respect-deserving human beings on the face of the earth, and I think that if everyone in the world that much about something, a lot more would get done in the world. So...don't dis dedicated band parents. They can get a little extreme, but it's always with the best intentions and done with you in mind.
  3. The only good thing about the rain is that it's raining all over Texas. I'm just thankful it only rained today, and not the rest of the week. Huh, and we have homecoming this week too...retarded. College Park goes on first? Sorry y'all - I think we're first block too, and our BD is having us be at the school at 5:45 am to practice.
  4. Everything that everyone has said before me is very true. This isn't a year in this area for consistency, this is a year in which certain bands have gained momentum, and where some bands are loosing it. It's happening all over the state; Cy-Falls, who has been consistantly great for the past few years is starting to fall; Westfield, who's been a bit shaky for the past few years topped Churchill in BOA Houston. Judson I had never even heard of before, but they end up in 6th at BOA. Clear Lake, who has been simply spectacular since the 80's, didn't place top ten. Of course, this is going off BOA results, so I may be wrong. Non the less, I think this is the most exciting part of the marching band season. Everything we've ever known before is being rewritten; the best bands simply aren't the best bands anymore. Nothing is set in stone.
  5. I hadn't heard that...interesting. Well, I'm just crossing my fingers that my band makes state this year. We missed it by a tenth of a point last time.
  6. Well, looking at scores/ results from the last few competitions (BOA Houston, namely), Clear Brook has beaten College Park and Pearland by a considerable number of points. Clear Lake also topped Brazoswood in another competition. My predicitions for top three are (in no particular order): Woodlands Brazoswood Spring The next two spots could very easily go to any of the following bands: Klein Clear Brook Clear Lake Woodlands College Park Pearland
  7. Lesse...We have 14 or so altos, 2 tenors and 1 bari...But let me tell you kids... Our woodwinds, at set (some call it carry), hold their horns at the same height as the brass players. So, imagine if you will, a baritone player holding his horn so that his hands are at eye level. Now, substitute the baritone with a bari sax so that the neckstrap ring rests on his right thumb. It's pretyy badass. Hard, too - it weighs about 13 1/2 lb ( about 3 lb heavier than a baritone).
  8. Ours is tiny, cramped...and to be quite honest, I can hardly breath in there. It came to me as no surprise when they found a rat living in one of the slots...
  9. The one kid who is a terible marcher...and insists on correcting everyone else while standing five or so yards out of a diagonal.
  10. Hmmm...Well, he's just trying to go off the original ballet from Rite of Spring. The girls in that dance themselves to death... And, I promise, he wold be in no way embarassed no matter what kind of reaction he gets
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