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Everything posted by bossman

  1. Band manager is in no way form or fashion a band president at this school. Band manager (which is a new term to me) sounds like the supervisor of the physical jobs, in band leadership.
  2. moan and groan, aww poor kids. YOU BETTER EARN THAT P.E. CREDIT!
  3. so do you guyz think that the parents of the freshman would let us take em' at 2' o clock in the morn?
  4. HAHA! i hate that thing especially when it goes "one AND" random
  5. o ok then. let the party begin! Answer : BACH
  6. some of our best players r cool, and some of our worst ones are jerks! i think it should be the other way around.
  7. i love to see ppl run, i dont y. I just like to see ppl get into shape as the year goes on. especially when you start the year at like 160(ok marching), and crank it to like 200 by the end of the season.
  8. They have Metronome camps, and they consist of a 2 week stay with no tv and no radio, JUST METRONOME.
  9. if we actually got real pieces of music everyone would be arguing over the way something should be played style wise and etc. I'm in favor of the fake pieces becuz what you play is right there on the page.
  10. Jacob is F***** stupid. Lol I think i have a new game to start in general off topic look out for it!
  11. In every good democracy, there's punishments, so i like it.
  12. hahaha! That would be so tight, and so worthy of a patch.
  13. Man, it could be, and there's this one kid who's a trombone. he's pretty funny. BUT that one kid in the trumpet section is the leading candidate. You can never figure out who it is until like june camp.
  14. Who's newman??? And what is seinfield. The only thing worthy of having field in its name is WESTFIELD.
  15. Any wayz. I think we officially have "that one kid in band", it'll be a boy this year too. I'm so excited about this coming year.
  16. UIL, good move. If there's anyone one here that's affiliated with the UIL, i think we actuall like the Harder Sightreading.
  17. Well i like GOODINS', cuz u can add the apostrophe.
  18. i wonder if mauel knows. becuz he has all the sites for myspace.
  19. i was trying to get an idea for this HAZING, i mean "Initiation", and you guyz gave me some goodins' <- funny word
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