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Everything posted by JPM

  1. Mayne let me tell you I'm so Krunk for marching season. I ready to eat someone's costume!! Can i get a "SAAWOOH"
  2. Man you know that the President and his Secret Service will always have your back. REAL TALK!!
  3. I'll tell you this much....they're from the Valley!! HuuuuHHH THE VALLEY!!!
  4. Personally i think that Westfield has the Cooliest Kids in their program because they have a lot of diversity in their band program and it's coo seeing and being around different personalities/cultures.... but hey thats just me.
  5. I was happy to see Westfield take the G.E. Caption and come in second! I believe that BOA Houston was the comeback and turning point for The Big Red Band, and how bout them new uniforms?
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