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Unfinish show in a competition!!

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Well today my band competed in capital city marching contest!!! Im from Seguin and we didnt win, dripping springs did, and where not mad about that!!! but what i wanted to know is has anybody ever gotten points deducted from your show because your show was not finish!!! My band got second in g.e. and music ensemble, we got 1st in field music by a long shot, no one was close but in the rest of the category the judges gave us low score and we did go over five minutes which is minimum!!! In the comment it said that our show was not done and it wasnt!!! So is right to take off points for that???

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They also took off of visual ensemble, visual individual, and percussion. They only comment on each sheet was that the show was not long enough. Seguin did not have the best performance, but i felt very sorry for the kids when they were told they were dead last (which they most definately should not have been) in their division becuase they did not get their closer on the field.


Seguin wasn't the only band who the judges did this to. Leander, who everyone in the stands thought would be second in their division was not because their show was not finished.


Anyway, Congratulations to every band in attendance, some great stuff for this early in the year.

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I am aware that Mr. Raiford's mother passed away. This is a very sad time in his life, which will continue for many months. Those of us who have lost a parent know that the best thing right now is to stay busy and try to stay focused because that is very difficult to do when you're grieving. Any help we can give him would be a good thing.

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  • 11 months later...
Well today my band competed in capital city marching contest!!! Im from Seguin and we didnt win, dripping springs did, and where not mad about that!!! but what i wanted to know is has anybody ever gotten points deducted from your show because your show was not finish!!! My band got second in g.e. and music ensemble, we got 1st in field music by a long shot, no one was close but in the rest of the category the judges gave us low score and we did go over five minutes which is minimum!!! In the comment it said that our show was not done and it wasnt!!! So is right to take off points for that???

its missing things...we marched our show + its not done. We played most + then cut out a chunk + then played the end chunk. if it sounds patchy and out of place, they'll say something but we still did well bkuhz they did not notice it that much.

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Last year, we had the whole show on the field by now, but our execution of it wasn't too great... more than half of the band being freshmen was just a *small* contributor... but anyhow, we have the whole show except for a few last sets in the closer, which I assume we'll learn this week... so that part of the show might look somewhat sloppy at CPHS invitational.

Oh... and the dance you guys did (Hendrickson) last Friday with our representatives apparently was a lot of fun. Tanner (you might remember him), our drum captain, went into quite a bit of detail about what happened on your side of the stadium at lunch today.

Though I don't really concern myself with it, our band directors aren't too good at making it fun (besides Quaale, our new Cavies age-out director (2003 SCV, 2004-2006 Cavies on euphonium... and he plays oboe)), or at least it seems that way from many of the people who are juniors in the wind sections- though the directors may have serious intentions, I've noticed that there is, in general, a dislike of the way they do things (though I don't like people chit-chatting on the field, either, I dislike our top two directors' making a production out of each instance of talking they decide to expose, thus wasting more time- and, a silly little "Get it? "Got" it!" thing, which we in the drumline believe promotes ADD). Apparently, a lot of these dissatisfied players will be quitting in their senior year.

Maybe they'll find more motivation after this weekend, if we have a good time, but honestly- motivation is just as important as discipline.

Sorry for the ramble, if it is found to be offensive.

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