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this year was really dumb. the seniors were in charge of course.


they had the freshmen blindfolded, standing at attention. then the seniors walked around pushing them and flicking them - and all that stupid stuff. then, they covered them with silly string.


IMO, we should have had a small platform and made them take the leap of faith :lol:

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Our sections freshmen initiation is trombone pot-luck. Instead of eating what we are served we have someone bring in KFC. Each returning member also brings various different cooking ingredients and food items. Once the KFC has been eaten we mix everything that has been brought up in a gatorade bottle. The ingredients this year consisted of chopped garlic, onion juice, Worcestershire sauce, banana extract, bbq sauce, a few varieties of Jones Soda, and a small amount of spoiled milk along with some other things that i've probably forgotten. The end result of it all is a brownish colored bottle of gross that both freshman and seniors have to drink preferably causing them to vomit. Its good fun and we can't technically force anyone to participate. We just excommunicate anyone who refuses from the section.

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Yea, pretty much any sort of initiation whatsoever is considered hazing, and is thus illegal, especially the bit about drinking the nasty colored concoction. I'd straight slap anyone who tried to make me drink that.


But me, back in marching band days, we just had pool parties. Get to know everyone, swim around a little bit, make some friends before marching band started. Good stuff.

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