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Everything posted by cpb161

  1. I forgot where but there’s a district with a 350 mile drive for a game. Time for them to save up for some charters lol
  2. Also another interesting thing, TMEA changed the rules for how honor band works, which band be found here All rules changes appear to be highlighted in red. The big ones is now area to state advancement for 2C, 3C, 5A, and 6A are now based off how many bands qualify for area. Each region now sends a max of 4 bands to area, with one band making state per 4 at area. Since obviously you don't need to qualify based off a rating, this means the number of bands advancing through honor band simply is based off how many we get entered at each region level. As well as a rule that says if there's more than 16 recording at the state level, there will be a prelims and finals round. I could be wrong about this though, some of these rules are kinda vague, like saying that for 1C and 1A-4A, each listening center (4 centers with 2 areas each) may advance a max of 8 bands between the 2 areas, which I would assume means the top 8 of the two areas go to state, effectively combing the areas? Not sure though, if someone could help clarify.
  3. They opened in 2014, they haven’t really had the chance to try much with a full 9th-12th band yet besides 2018, They looked really solid for 4A by Duncanville this year though. Midlothian has also been improving their program and I’m sure that’s gonna transfer to Heritage soon.
  4. Looks like UIL is trying to beef up 6A Area B to be a lock for 6 state spots and potentially get 7. while also opening another state spot by moving Prosper. Plano ISD moving over to C likely is to keep C at 5 state spots. Prosper being in Area C probably means that the top 4 will be locked as LISD and Prosper, and then everyone else dukes it out for the 5th spot. Midlothian moves from Area C to F, which means they now have a harder Area and the already relatively light C now has a state spot open. F needs more bands though so that’s good. Midlothian Heritage moves from 4A Area B to D, good switch for them, B is the hardest area and Mid Heritage has been improving fast recently.
  5. I am interested to see how a lot of the East Texas 5As do now that Area C is actually relatively light on powerhouses from DFW, and a lot of those bands have gotten exponentially better. John Tyler made area for the first time ever this year and actually placed fairly well, getting 16th. Not what I expected from a band who early in that season was getting nailed with 2s and 3s by judges at pre-UIL contests. Marshall is also finally consistently having solid success after years of getting 2s and 3s at UIL, and Sulphur Springs jumped from nearly dead last at Area in 2017 to 13th in 2019, all really solid and clear improvements. In the case of Pine Tree, it's just getting used to the style, when I saw them in person they very clearly had 5A level musical talent, ensemble sound was extremely mature and they consistently have very stout musicians, being basically the only 5A in the east to consistently get All-Staters, but I have got to hand them props for still having a great band, most bands making that kind of transition would just fall apart and get a 2, take Willis for example, they actually got a 2 sometime around 2013-2014 when they changed styles, but now they're making state/a state contender in 5A.
  6. Perhaps with struggling smaller programs, doubt anyone who is doing well in the open class circuit would want to.
  7. http://www.nammb.org/uploads/9/4/0/9/94093633/nammb_roster_2017_v4.pdf This list is as of 2017, but I question the accuracy of it because there's a couple of show bands on there such as Dallas Carter, not sure why. Other than that the only inaccuracy is Pine Tree due to them recently switching. Brownsboro and China Springs are both successful 4A military bands that have competed on the area finals and state levels recently, but used amplification and/or props in their 2018 productions with a "milicorps" style, so they'll have choices to make when it comes to next year about going Open Class or Military Class. As of now we don't know if Military Class bands getting 1s at region will count towards Open Class area to state advancement, hopefully it will so the number of bands at the open class state contests isn't potentially reduced by this.
  8. Update, it was just a vague thing on UIL’s part. Open Class is simply the name for the typical state circuit.
  9. It’s still a pilot though, so perhaps they’ll allow both for the time being. I hope so at least because Areas C 2A through 5A have a lot of these bands and it’d reduce state spots significantly, as a matter of fact, I’m pretty sure Area C 2A last state had their entire set of state spots taken by military bands, with maybe 3 corps bands at most making area. That would leave that area with 3 bands advancing to state by default if all military bands opted for the pilot contest. In the cases of 3A, 4A, and 5A who all typically get 5 state spots, the reduction in bands could drop them down to as low as 3 state spots.
  10. Recently UIL has updated their state marching website to list information about the State Military Marching Contest Pilot, as well as listing an “Open Class” contest scheduled for November 2nd-4th in the Alamodome, the same days as normal UIL state. The Military contest will be held next year for a combined 1A/2A and 4A on October 31st. 3A and a combined 5A/6A will be on odd numbered years. I have a few questions about these contests: What is the Open Class contest anyway? No info is out on it Will military bands that opt to go to the military contest still be able to go to normal area and state? (since off year area is on the same weekend as the military pilot, no conflicts will happen except for with 6A) and if they aren’t able to do normal area/state, will they still count towards the number of bands in an area who get 1s? If not, that could reduce the number of state spots in many areas, including dropping 5A C back down below 20 bands.
  11. Pine Tree has always done milicorps on and off throughout their history, but the last few years have been a transition and they went through with it completely this year. I doubt they’ll change back next year.
  12. I think it’s a ridiculous accusation for sure. There are lots of schools out there that always hardly miss the cutoff to move up or down, it’s just being lucky (or unlucky) enough to grow just enough each year to avoid the cutoff. Good example of another school like this : Lindale, shuffled around between old 3A and 4A (so 4A and 5A nowadays) between 2002-2010, changed litterally every single alignment. Since 2010 they’ve stayed in old 4A/now’s 5A, every single year since then the bottom of 5A would be raised by about 40-50 kids, and Lindale would grow by about 50-60s, consistently making them the smallest in their class. Just like HP is almost always lucky enough to be just under 5A.
  13. It is not mandatory to go to any UIL event unless the school district enforces it. Personally, I fully expect to see Leander and Cedar Park, as well as perhaps Rouse at BOA SA instead of Area, LISD would more than likely be supportive of it, and those bands all have a shot at winning awards or making finals. Pretty much any 5A that has little to no shot at making finals or winning any class awards at SA will more than likely attend Area regardless of whether their district will make them or not. The only bands I could see this affecting that may wanna do SA and regularly does well is Wakeland, since Frisco ISD is very UIL focused and will more than likely want Wakeland to attend Area. Not sure about the Pville schools with Hendrickson and Weiss, I'd imagine they'd both wanna do SA, but I have no clue what their district would want. Hopefully people from the 5A programs in question can confirm here on txbands what their school is going to do. All in all, I doubt the conflict is going to really be a big deal this year, it's next year with 6A that we all have to worry about.
  14. It's been a conspiracy for the longest time that HP somehow bribes people or something along the lines of that to make sure UIL keeps them in 5A, it's a running joke that if you're smaller than HP, you're gonna be fine and shouldn't move up. I'm not here to spread rumors though, and don't think it's real. I think it's just completely reasonable to assume UIL wanted to lessen the reactions to changing the cutoffs, lessening the 6A cutoff would've stirred up way more people, not to mention 4A is consistently the smallest class besides 1A, so might as well give them a couple more schools to fill things out. Nobody they dropped down will make a major competitive difference in basically any activity anyway, besides Lumberton who is solid at band and makes state in 4A and also made it their last time in 5A.
  15. This was likely to account for the 3 McAllen schools dropping to 5A, needed to remove 3 schools out of 5A now due to the 3 McAllen ones being added, this change drops Lumberton, Terrell, and Alice, 3 schools exactly. It also put Corpus Christi Miller under the cutoff, but it appears CCISD opted them back up to 5A, but I believe opt ups don't affect band, like how South Garland is 6A for athletics but 5A for band. Personally, I don't like this change, if you need to remove 3 schools from 5A because 3 dropped down from 6A... you should move 3 schools up TO 6A, but in UIL's defense, this is a MUCH less major change than lowering the 6A cutoff and sending up schools like Highland Park and Austin Anderson, so it probably was for the best to cause less of an uproar.
  16. I think there’s still quite a few that have the resources to do BOA locally in Texas, while a nats trip would be financially strenuous, which is likely while most of the 1A bands in BOA (who mostly fall in the range of Texas 3As and smaller 4As anyway) are closer to Indy. Doesn’t mean that Texas 1A sized schools can’t try it locally to see what happens and give them and off year goal, aka, win those 1A awards at regionals.
  17. Burleson Centennial’s first time too I believe, and they got 5th. Along with Weiss and Lebanon Trail making finals appearances on their first state year ever, it’s really exciting, so many new faces in finals!
  18. Half of the finalists from not only the same area, but the same region, Region 4 from far NE Texas, and 4 of the top 5 were from that region. The only band not in that region that finished top 5 was silver medalist Whitesboro who is from the eastern end of DFW. North East Texas is the king of small school band in Texas, it’s a shame these groups don’t do BOA... while I think they have some distance to go to become dominate in BOA 1A anyway, stepping into it would be the first start.
  19. I’m pretty sure they’ve beaten most defending 4A state finalists throughout the season, with the only ones they haven’t beaten being Canton and North Lamar - and that was early season, things can change. I’m very willing to say Mineola could medal or even win 4A from 2018. That being said, I think it is as a whole a much better year for 3A than 2017 top to bottom.
  20. I already believe now that Mineola will win the whole thing with ease. They are INSANE.
  21. Yikes, hopefully Texas doesn’t become overly filled with circuits like some states such as California. Thought UIL and BOA have such a grasp on Texas as a whole that I don’t think any other circuit could ever do all that well here anyway, as mentioned earlier every year Area probably already hurt USBands hardcore, and it wouldn’t surprise me to see more BOA regionals in Texas soon either.
  22. Could we perhaps see this result in more contests during the week? UIL already hosts some region contests and state during the school day, perhaps the off year area contests could be during the school week also? There is the huge issue with UIL not wanting kids to miss too much school, but it's just a thought. Mineola hosts an invitational l every Columbus day, my school usually goes despite that we don't get that day off, and it's a MASSIVE contest, so perhaps invitationals like Vista Ridge or TMC could benefit from using dates like this?
  23. I wish I was able to watch the stream today, I absolutely love these tiny groups! The amount of dedication and effort it takes to put on an amazing product in such a small environment is incredible, best of luck to all of them today!
  24. I don't think UIL is doing this in an attempt to hurt BOA or USBands and keep a full grasp, this was just something the majority of directors ended up wanting. Besides, I don't think I could name a single band program in Texas that would actually RATHER go to USBands instead of Area... There's a reason USBands isn't all that popular.
  25. I fully believe this’ll kill USBands in Texas on the area weekends. Almost all bands that go to USBands at that time do it as a substitute for area as their end of the year championship.
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