Welcome to txbands.com, offering the latest and greatest news in the world of Texas High School band, including live online events throughout the marching season.

2024 BOA - Grand Nationals
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This is it. The Final Week. Just 3 more days until the end of the 2024 Competitive Marching Season! And oh what a glorious Finale it will be! Full of Celebrations of everything that you have accomplished throughout the season, all the memories you have made together, and a lifetime of lessons you will always carry forward with you. BOA Grand Nationals in Indianapolis is a celebration of excellence and artistry that is seemingly unending with 113 bands from all across the nation and approximately 160 performances over 3 days! That's the most of any Grand Nationals ever! This is going to be one for the history books, so don't miss it!
TxBands is partnering with BOX5 Media to bring content from Bands of America Championships all across the nation. Please check out all of the great video content both of the bands performing as well as special content between performances at https://box5tv.com
Live Video Streaming of Bands of America Championships is available from BOX5-TV for individual BOA Championships or for the Entire BOA 2024 Season with a BOA Pro Pass.
Information about BOA Grand Nationals is available at:
- BOA Grand Nationals - Indianapolis, IN - https://marching.musicforall.org/event/grand-national-championships-2024/
Physical programs are being sold in the stadium.
Help us share your experiences on the live blog by using #TxBands on Twitter @txbands or Facebook (TxBands.com).